Ôde to Bitchbutcher

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Ah I see.

Even still, she seems to do nothing else but devote her time arguing with people.

Bitchbutcher would not be able to argue if others weren't doing it as well.

The starting of this thread was bound to cause an argument and it wasn't started by Bitchbutcher. I am not saying that it was wrong for this thread to be made or anything against who made it but the conversation of this thread as it is was to be expected.

Bitchbucther is not anorexic. Look at her pictures. If you truly think that she is anorexic then you should see two of my friends that have been. I just can't see the point in using something as an insult if it isn't true. Even if it was true then how is it fucking right for someone to degrade someone else for having a mental disorder that is not their fault?
okay, aftermidnight. bitchbutcher has to be nice now, i think that we should at least try to help her out with that, and with saying that, it's not helping.
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