Ödemarkens Son


Jun 12, 2007
Great Lakes
Mr. V

Ever since I bought Ödemarkens Son a long time ago, I've always wondered what equipment was used (guitars, bass, effects, etc) and what the recording atmosphere was like. There is something about that album that will always have a place in my 'musical heart' so to speak. The whole atmosphere and ambience is unparalleled and I'm wondering if the location where you wrote the material or recorded it might have had a major influence on the final product.
Good question. I started exploring Vintersorg's work with this album. If I had to make a personal top 3 of albums this one will be in it for sure.
I always admired the fact that this album was inspired by his reflections of living in the forest for 1 year. In an interview in 'Aardschok' I did read that he didn't have flowing water in his hut during wintertime!

Hehe, I once tried to explain to a friend why this album is so good. I described the music like folkloric ballads with a black metal arrangement. 'What!?...', he said, 'thats like having poo sex with a photo model!' :D hehehehe