
Active Member
Jul 7, 2002
St. Paul, MN
February 27, 2007
For Immediate Release


Texas Madfest
, a two-day Metal festival in Houston, proudly welcomes Replica recording artist Outworld and Brazilian progressive metal band Mindflow to headline the event on July 13th and 14th, 2007 at FBI Rocks #1 in Houston, TX. A very special evening is planned by both bands, especially Mindflow who will play their debut show in the USA.

"We are very honored to be a part of Texas Madfest. Our first concert ever on North American soil couldn't be at a better occasion," said Rodrigo Hidalgo (guitars). "We're coming all the way from Brazil and you can be sure we're preparing a very special concert for such a special event! Be prepared to let your mind flow at our show!" Mindflow has released two albums to date, both having received maximum scores in many reviews worldwide. The band has performed at renowned festivals across the world, such as Brazil's Live 'N Louder festival.

Outworld's highly anticipated return to the stage features a USA debut performance from their new vocalist Carlos Zema, also from Brazil. The band promises to melt the stage and stun the audience playing songs from their self-titled debut CD released on Replica Records. "I cannot wait to finally perform with Outworld, and it looks like this fest will be a lot of fun!" said Zema about the show. Outworld will be closing the show on friday, and Mindflow on saturday.

Texas Madfest will also feature the performances of Krucible, Meyvn, Dark Empire, Magistral, Prymary, Six Minute Century and Eternity Black. Ticket information will be announced soon, as well as more details on the event.

"I am proud of this line-up and I know this event will be just the first of many Texas Madfest events to come," said John Cheek, coordinator of the event. "This is not our festival, but the people's festival. It belongs to everyone in our metal scene and I guarantee that everyone will enjoy it."

For more information on the festival, as well as samples from the confirmed bands, go to [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]www.myspace.com/madfest[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].[/FONT]
If Immortal happens to cancel (Very common with these Black Metal reunion dates, since the members don't seem to know that being caught burning 87 churches in the past week will keep you out of the states), I would possibly divert funds to this.

If I don't make, do inform Dark Empire that they need to do a US tour sometime soon, and to hit Utah as one of the dates, for me :P
If Immortal happens to cancel (Very common with these Black Metal reunion dates, since the members don't seem to know that being caught burning 87 churches in the past week will keep you out of the states), I would possibly divert funds to this.

If I don't make, do inform Dark Empire that they need to do a US tour
sometime soon, and to hit Utah as one of the dates, for me :P

Yeah, I hear ya about those reunion tours. Hope you can make it, but I hope Immortal doesn't cancel, either. As for DE touring, we're hoping that their appearance at Madfest will give them enough of a boost to do a national tour - regional at the least. Keep checking with them, you never know.. :cool:

Great news, Tammy, you've done a fine job! Perhaps
I'll be able to get down there to sweat my ass of with
you guys!! :lol:

Thank you, Chris! You guys are doing a fine job as well! It would be really great to have you out here, sure hope you can make it!! And though it's hot 98% of the year, even the air-conditioners are bigger in Texas! :lol: