08 US Presidential Race

Sep 24, 2004
Seeing as there are a lot of Americans here, just curious (hopefully some of you are old enough to vote) who you're supporting for this surely historic campaign?
I voted for Romney in the primary. I honestly think he was the only one of the candidates who actually represented what their party stands for. He's good with money, and thats what we needed....too bad he dropped out. I'd like to see McCain take him on as a running mate.

I'm going to vote for Obama (assuming he makes it that far) because I think he's the anti-christ, and I wanna see this shit play out.

And for the record, Hillary Clinton is a cunt. Fuck her.
I voted for Romney in the primary. I honestly think he was the only one of the candidates who actually represented what their party stands for. He's good with money, and thats what we needed....too bad he dropped out. I'd like to see McCain take him on as a running mate.

I'm going to vote for Obama (assuming he makes it that far) because I think he's the anti-christ, and I wanna see this shit play out.

And for the record, Hillary Clinton is a cunt. Fuck her.

I really couldn't get over the fact that Romney is a Mormon. He's very well educated...but still never the less....a Mormon.

And yes, fuck Hilary.
Clinton seems like a psycho to me :lol: I would go with Obama personally :lol:

I really couldn't get over the fact that Romney is a Mormon. He's very well educated...but still never the less....a Mormon.

And yes, fuck Hilary.

The way I see it, the Mormon thing is weird...but he doesn't push it. There was only like 2-3 days of tension between him and the MA legislature when gay marriage was legalized. He knows how to pick and choose his battles, and pushing morals aren't his thing.
^DAMN RIGHT! :lol:

Anyone who will make Hillary Clinton iron a shirt for themselves is my fuckin hero!

And sorry...the meat of the post. I just think Obana is the most reasonable one of them. Mccain sounds like a fuckin serial killer so hes cool too:lol: Nah but as far as i have followed those candidates Obama would be my bet...
Damn right..."The winning line of the year...he became president" in the headlines. Then hillary clinton moves to Siberia to avoid attention.
^yah my english sucks :(

that's not what i was laughing about, it's more the WHITE house, new waves, obama :p.
i'm sorry, it was a bit the spur of the moment creating a soft chuckle in my lower abdomen :)
and your english doesn't suck

if i were american i'd vote obama too, i think he's more capable of creating a bridge between countries... if ya catch mah drift. he's a good speaker (better than hillary clearly who painfully tries too hard and doesn't always have clear statements on important matters). republicans never did it for me.