08 US Presidential Race

I am going with Obama on this one. I think it's easier for a softy to harden up a little bit(ooo gimme some good dick jokes). But if you got someone who is a veteran of war and imprisonment, it might be harder to make that person show more compassion. What we did in Iraq is pointless, it's obvious the US government want's to control the world. Someone tried it 60 years ago and it didn't quite work out. Countries have tried it for the past thousands of years and it never works out. I think if Osama bin laden really had something to do with 9/11 and only him (meaning we really didn't know he was going to do something like this) we should have just built out defenses here stronger. I really don't mind the 5 extra seconds i spend at the airport to take my shoes off at security. But i know i don't sound to sure what happened on 9/11 because nothing on this planet is 100% truth and if even .000001% of the 9/11 story is false that's still to much because it's not like the the whole world isn't going to be curious about what the fuck really happened. I'd rather sit on an iceberg and float out to sea then get my ass blown apart by an IED. Fuck Iraq, it doesn't look any different then when Saddam was King shit of fuck mountain over there. Civilians are still getting killed, people still hate us and them and this and that, that's all that matters because no one likes the USA. What a waste and for what, some 21st century crusade to awe all of Christendom. If we were going to go to war with everyone in the Middle East, like we seem to be doing, we should have just invaded and exterminated the populace. Not just kill half the population [soldiers and civilians combined] and hope the other half will be civil and rebuild their city because those that are still alive fucken hate us for intervening and that is why so many coalition soldiers are dead. We skimped on the first few steps, like just building something without reading the instructions. This is something Homer Simpson would do, not a president.
Picking up and leaving immediately in Iraq would be catastrophic.

It's kind like a friend is telling you some guy has a knife so you stab him... then you realize it was all bullshit and he had nothing, you can't just leave the guy there, you stab him some more and mutilate his family so they can never have a chance of having a decent life, just so you don't lose your pride by admitting having run along like a puppet in a pointless crusade.