08 US Presidential Race

Fun fact: Obama once spent a stag night in the Town where I live (Wokingham, Berkshire). I think he has relatives that live near me :lol:
stagg night.
Whatever if you don't have them in america then your country sucks dick :lol:

Basically: Before a wedding the Groom and all his mates go out and get drunk as fuck.
stagg night.
Whatever if you don't have them in america then your country sucks dick :lol:

Basically: Before a wedding the Groom and all his mates go out and get drunk as fuck.

It's called a Bachelor Party here... stag night is just a bunch of guys going out and partying... when a wedding is involved then it's a Bachelor Party.

one might think those are linked :p:zombie:

I think Bill Clinton should run and his first order of business being to order mandatory blow jobs for all americans.

Seriously though, fuck Hillary. I don't want our president crying when we are faced with a problem. That is a sign of weakness IMO.

Obama should be president. He is like the new JFK and MLK all rolled into one package. You can hear it in his voice.
The best candidate out there is Obama. The other candidate I hoped would win on the Republican side (LOL, I know) was Ron Paul, but he is way far out of the race. Not only is Obama a natural articulate public speaker, it doesn't seem like he is shooting shit, much like I have seen and heard with the other candidates in debates. I can go on and on about his plans and policies but I know most you don't really care. Bottomline - American needs an Obama, not another Bush *cough* McCain *cough*


You're from Canada, why do you care? I kid, its nice to see some people taking interest in the U.S. presidential race. It seems like too many people I know could care less, or only recognize the name "Obama" or "Clinton" and make a stupid assessment of both of them. Honestly, some people are just simply oblivious :lol:
I voted for Romney in the primary. I honestly think he was the only one of the candidates who actually represented what their party stands for. He's good with money, and thats what we needed....too bad he dropped out. I'd like to see McCain take him on as a running mate.

I'm going to vote for Obama (assuming he makes it that far) because I think he's the anti-christ, and I wanna see this shit play out.

And for the record, Hillary Clinton is a cunt. Fuck her.

fucking fascists.
When I really started to take interest in the campaigns I first took Hillary's side. Most of her ideas are pretty well-developed but I heard all of them delivered by Bill at the venue I work at. It worked because he's ridiculously charismatic and obviously loved being President (blowjobs and all)... but I'm not impressed by HER. In regards to her attitude- I hate it. She's a fucking robot. I think she tries to use that serious, thick-skinned, catty "personality" so to convince "we the people" that she's not gonna be an emotional woman in office. I'm sure a major part of her campaign involves tricks to make her seem to use logic over emotion. Emotion over logic- the stereotype which plagues the female with authority.

Romney the Mormon- fuck dat shit.

I think I'll be voting for Obama. He pretty much rocks. Very well-educated, eloquent and a people-person. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton? No thanks. Time for major changes in this shit government. I'll hopefully move before the end of the next presidential term, so it'd be nice to have some kind of cash in my pocket. No more raising prices of fucking EVERYTHING so I can barely live. It's $5 for a gallon of milk ffs.

Anyway... yeah. Obama.