08 US Presidential Race

I have watched some of Clintons debates and shit. She seems to be unsure of herself but still not. She is like a forced personality...shes fuckin creepy. Well she has had major losses recently in her campaign when she lost states to Obama :kickass:
Black Vs Woman Vs Mormom

just wen i tough that USA couldn't get in deeper shit
It doesn't matter who any one votes for b/c our voting system is a piece of shit.
All in all the president doesn't have THAT much power to begin with. The house, the senate, and the secretary of defense/warlords run this country.
Better hope obama dosen't pick a white running mate, if he does he will surely be the next president to be assassinated. My vote goes for Ron Paul. Yes, Billary is a cunt!
Ok first of all I know I shouldn't get involved in politics but..

I hope the new president is someone who doesn't have a fucking big ELEPHANT'S CUNT on his face all the time like George.

No really, I hope it's some my pals. The world would turn upside down.