1 have horrible luck


Dec 21, 2003
So lets just say this year has started out shitty. My dad passed... now my grandmom is in really crappy condition. Now, after a week off from work, I go back to my apartment in philly. now, we have a front and a back door. both doors were locked when i returned. i walk into my room and i get really pissed off. my Mac iBook G4, computer bag with my external hard drive and other expensive stuff, my acoustic guitar that my girlfriend bought me almost 2 years ago, my acoustic guitar bag which was in my closet, my ps2, all my games, all my dvds, including 5 seasons of CSI:, $100 a pop, and my dad's digital camera were all STOLEN. now. no signs of forced entry. we have metal bars on all windows. and the kick is... nothing else from the apartment, including everything in my roommates room, was stolen. and since both doors were dead bolted, whoever stole my stuff had to have a key. now my roommate hasn't been living down here for most of the summer. he just comes down with friends and gets drunk and passes out. so he admitted he was down and passed out early. giving his friends plenty of time to steal my shit. and i know they were in my room, because one of my roommate's pillows was on my bed. the fuckers stole all of my shit. totaling it up to about $3500 worth of stuff all gone. my computer had countless stuff, including pictures of me with my dad, that i probably won't get back now. no one else had a key to this apartment. so everything is pointing to my roommate and his friends, which of course, they deny it. so basically... this year just fucking blows and i don't have much desire to do anything right now. i hate people.
Dude, I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm sure you already went to the police, as long as you get a good detective to talk to, they can get the ability to search the roomate's friend's homes and hopefully find all your stuff. I just really hope they dont just blow you off. I had great luck when my house was broken into, the detective looked like your standard "i dont give a fuck" cop but he came in, fingerprinted everything, got a positive ID, searched the kids house and got all our shit back within like 4 days.

Good luck with everything man, i hope everything works out for you.
Mike said:
Dude, I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm sure you already went to the police, as long as you get a good detective to talk to, they can get the ability to search the roomate's friend's homes and hopefully find all your stuff. I just really hope they dont just blow you off. I had great luck when my house was broken into, the detective looked like your standard "i dont give a fuck" cop but he came in, fingerprinted everything, got a positive ID, searched the kids house and got all our shit back within like 4 days.

Good luck with everything man, i hope everything works out for you.

Exactly - they already have their prime suspects; your room-mate's friends. All he has to do is put 2 and 2 together and get search warrants for the likely offenders before they sell your shit. They probably left prints so even if they move your junk they'll be placed on the scene. It's not hard to get a confession out of multiple offenders, let alone when they're young people. As long as you handle this through the proper avenues then everything should work out. Best of luck dude!
yeah when people steal something its bad but when people steal it as a joke but pretend like they haven't its even worse. just punch them and then go into thier room and steal all your stuff back.
IT's even better if they sell all your shit, because if list matches a list of the shit sold to some shop, then they have all the information about the person who sold it all, and if the name of the person matches one of your room mate's friend's names then you got a complete match, you get your shit back, you get the guys busted, and you get to kick the shit out of your room mate.
Mike said:
IT's even better if they sell all your shit, because if list matches a list of the shit sold to some shop, then they have all the information about the person who sold it all, and if the name of the person matches one of your room mate's friend's names then you got a complete match, you get your shit back, you get the guys busted, and you get to kick the shit out of your room mate.


What's he gonna do, go to the cops? Fuck him.
my brother's friends (well ex friends) broke into our house when no one was home... now i get nervouse everytime he has people over the house, espeically when they are drinking or smoking.
Mike said:
my brother's friends (well ex friends) broke into our house when no one was home... now i get nervouse everytime he has people over the house, espeically when they are drinking or smoking.

Dude I would too - hate it when people are exceedingly poor judges of character.
Mike said:
my brother's friends (well ex friends) broke into our house when no one was home... now i get nervouse everytime he has people over the house, espeically when they are drinking or smoking.

Same thing happened to my friend. His crack head ex-friends broke into his house and stole about $4000 in things. They couldnt sell some of the things (such as some of his guitar equipment), so they called him a few months later asking if he wanted to buy some guitar pedals. He said "Let me call you back," then hung up and called the cops. :lol:
yeah exactly. now the cops in philly pretty much won't do shit for this. he just told me to talk to my roommate and tell him to give me my shit back. does anyone know how to fingerprint stuff? they left my closet door open, which i'm the only one that touches it. so there's probably prints on there, and maybe even the power strip that they touched. but everything will have to be on my own. the cops aren't gonna do shit. i'm totally fucked out of like $3500 worth of stuff. and i probably won't get any of it back. with my comp, they're fucked anyway. they can't do much with it, its password protected. even Mac can't crack my password to reset it.

my plan is to break lease and move out. this will fuck my roommate over, making him pay all rent and utilities by himself until he can find another roommate, which will be hard for him. so he'll be playing over $1000 by himself. so i'm hoping this causes him to wake up, and get my shit back from his friends. if not, unless i find anything soon, that i can prove that they actually stole it. but they admitted to seeing the stuff still in my apartment when they were there. and if no one else had a key, and the doors were dead bolted. then that leaves them at fault. everything points right to them. so they wouldn't have any defense at all if i take them to court.
also... moving out sucks. because of my dad's death, we had to sell our house. so i can't just go home. my mom and sis got a two bedroom apartment. i can't even store my stuff there until i find a place. besides, it'd be a long commute to school once the end of august hits. so basically, i would love to move out of the city, after only living in it for about 3 months. but i can't really. its just such a shitty situation. i don't want to deal with any of this at all.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
They couldnt sell some of the things (such as some of his guitar equipment), so they called him a few months later asking if he wanted to buy some guitar pedals. He said "Let me call you back," then hung up and called the cops. :lol:
Dude, if I were you, I would get the fucker while he is sleeping. Knock him out, tie him up, and threaten him. Take a hammer to his knee if he does not talk. You have to take action, and let the guy know you mean business.
A Trace Of Blood said:
Dude, if I were you, I would get the fucker while he is sleeping. Knock him out, tie him up, and threaten him. Take a hammer to his knee if he does not talk. You have to take action, and let the guy know you mean business.

holy shit... well... it IS Philly, and the cops arent doing shit, tie him up, cover him in gasoline when he wakes up, and smoke a cigarette infront of him and just ask "you ready to talk?"
do like the guy did in the movie OLDBOY, he ducttaped this dude's jaw open then popped out his teeth with the claw end of a hammer one by one until he would talk
I'd recommend continuing to call the police until you find one who gives a shit. Or tell them you'll sue the department if they don't get a black and white to at least come out and document it.
you could kidnap all of them, drug them, tie them up to chairs in a circle, and bash in their brains with a hammer and make the others watch until they talk. :) saw that one in a movie too

people that steal piss me off.