I made half a song as a test to see if i could live with a guitar tone with just a single mic.
Chain is as follows:
VGS TD-Special with an emg85 in the bridge -> T-rex Møller as clean boost -> Bias modded 6505 -> Peavey frontloaded cab with British vintage 30s.
One guitar track each side
There is no eq on the guitar post, only a Little bit of Slate Tape Machines and FG-X on the master bus.
Chain is as follows:
VGS TD-Special with an emg85 in the bridge -> T-rex Møller as clean boost -> Bias modded 6505 -> Peavey frontloaded cab with British vintage 30s.
One guitar track each side
There is no eq on the guitar post, only a Little bit of Slate Tape Machines and FG-X on the master bus.

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