10 Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries

Cool, thanks for the link.
about the Communist Manifesto said:
The Evil Empire of the Soviet Union put the Manifesto into practice.
Not exactly, the Soviet Union was a dictarship under the guise of Communism. Marx never called for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

about Das Kapital said:
portraying capitalism as an ugly phase in the development of human society in which capitalists inevitably and amorally exploit labor by paying the cheapest possible wages to earn the greatest possible profits. Marx theorized that the inevitable eventual outcome would be global proletarian revolution. He could not have predicted 21st Century America: a free, affluent society based on capitalism and representative government that people the world over envy and seek to emulate.
Wow. Just fucking wow. Are people seriously that deluded about America the Perfect? The bold section is exactly what has been going on since the 1970's, why the larger corporations get the majority of their labor done in India and Mexico.
about Keynes said:
FDR adopted the idea as U.S. policy, and the U.S. government now has a $2.6-trillion annual budget and an $8-trillion dollar debt.
Dear FDR,

Thanks for saving America after Hoover damn near collapsed the entire system using Smith's Invisible Hand strategy.

Your Friend,

Do I need to go into how much Bush has expanded the government since 2000, in terms of bureaucracy size and debt? Nah, didn't think so.
yeah, I read that last one, too. Trying to blame the national debt on FDR is fuxxing ridiculous. It's like they never heard of a guy named Bill Clinton who left office with a surplus, and a guy named Dubya who has put the country in deeper debt than ever before.
Both the Kinsey report and the Feminine Mystique on the list? While the latter spawned some truly annoying estrogen addicts, this guy probably couldn't get it up if Pamela Anderson was sprawled naked in his bedroom. And while Neitszche has inspired some assholes, I think it's on there because his ideas are often repellent to conservatives...
One Inch Man said:
Not exactly, the Soviet Union was a dictarship under the guise of Communism. Marx never called for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

Really? I thought he expressed the ideas, but later communist societies twisted them (crushing all opposition in the false name of the workers, for example).
One Inch Man said:
Not exactly, the Soviet Union was a dictarship under the guise of Communism. Marx never called for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

One Inch Man said:
Wow. Just fucking wow. Are people seriously that deluded about America the Perfect?

You can't say that, and then that.

Capitalism never called for the exportation of American jobs, just as Marxism never called for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

Are you seroiusly that deluded about Communism?

The "American Ideal"/Capitalism is what the conservatives are working towards, just like Marx was working towards the "Marxist ideal". Both "ideals" where fucked by the system which they are used to govern over.

The part in bold is what these people want to work against. Just because it is happening/has happend does that mean they should stop fighting it? (and move to canada? :loco: )
Looking at the bottom where posted are books that didn't make it, it's almost funny how they consider books like Silent Spring, The Feminine Mystique, and The Origin of Species harmful. And Keynes was just as important as Smith.

The Communist Manifesto itself is not a bad book. It was abused.

Mein Kampf and Mao's "Little Red Book" on the other hand are fucking dangerous.

I'm almost surprised that the Satanic Bible or Necronominicon aren't there.
anonymousnick2001 said:
I'm almost surprised that the Satanic Bible or Necronominicon aren't there.

Probobly because the Satanic Bible = Laughable BS Atheism and the Necronomicon = fake.
I heard that H.P. Lovecraft's Necronomicon is fake too... the real necronomicon was written by some arab guy 800 B.C.
I read half of Mein Kampf for a high school book report. It was a boring piece of rubbish. I cannot see how that book full of Hitler's rants would influence anyone, really.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
Yay for thrash!

:rock: :kickass: :kickass: :rock:

haha, nice! :kickass:

Yeah, i totally rocked it out at the Dairy Queen where my cousin works... but I was drunk and he wouldn't make me a Ultra-Mega-Insider-Special 'regular' burger unless I did so.

So I did. It was good fun. The family that was eating there got up and left. I grinned and enjoyed my burger while walking home listening to some kreator.

And you need to animate that shit and make it an avatar or something.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
And you need to animate that shit and make it an avatar or something.

Yea i want to, I'll post it in reguler photo page and ask somone to do it, haha.

Sweet story to.