Albums that most of us probably haven;t heard of that KICK FUCKING ASS!

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
This thread is dedicated to the albums that we have found/discovered that are not very well-known for one reason or another but flat out KICK FUCKING ASS. I've been on a recent BM kick and have discovered some really great albums imo. Everybody give input if you have heard the albums listed or list albums that you think should be included and shared with the rest of the community.

Dysperium - Dawning (demo)

Extreme metal with heavy folk influences including doom, black, and thrash. This is an EXCEPTIONAL demo. Everyone should keep an eye out for these guys in the future. They have just signed to Dark Horizon records from what I understand. Many on this forum should appreciate this demo. I cannot recommend this release enough. Two tracks from the demo are available for download at their site:

Hordes of The Lunar Eclipse

Great atmospheric black metal. Usually very dissonent riffs. They are listed as "avante-garde black metal" but that stupid term is WAY too overused. I've only heard about half the album but I don't see where that term fits at all. Great album though.

Nocte Obducta - Nektar: Teil 1

Check my other thread about this album. Great black metal that effortlessly blends many styles including doom. There is an intro track and four subsequent tracks that are dedicated to the four seasons of the year.

Lunar Aurora - Elixir of Sorrow

Another excellent atmospheric black metal band. "Hier Und Jetzt" is definitely one of my favorite songs of the year. Fucking Ace.

Bornholm - Awakening of The Ancient Ones (demo)

This was released back in 2002. I do not think they have released anything since then, sadly. Great epic black metal. Three original tracks followed by a cover of Transylvania, then their rendition of Carmina Burana which is sooo fucking good.

That's it for now I think. Discuss.
Laundry - Motivator

I made a thread about these dudes, the best part is the BOTH ALBUMS ARE FREE! FREE! FREE! so I don't even need to describe them! Wacky guitar, crazy Chapman stick, and Tim Alexander on drums.
SOme of you have probably heard these, but I don't really give a shit since I'm still pumped about the Astros kickin' that Red Bird ass!

Arcane Sun - Arcane Sun
Golden Dawn - The Art of Dreaming
Red Harvest - Hybreed
7 Angels 7 Plagues - Jhazmyne's Lullaby
Cephalic Carnage - Halls of Amenti
Failure - Fantastc Planet
Geasa - Fate's Lost Son
Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun
Jeff Buckley - Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk
Obtest - Auka Seniems Dievams
Sacrilegium - Wicher
I don't have very many recommendations

Venedae - Siedem Kamiennych Oblicz

Polish nationalistic melodic (in the good way) black metal. It can be found on Eastside records.

Worship - Last CD/vinyl/tape Before Doomsday

Funeral Doom... pretty sure some of you know of this, probably Erik and I know that Doomcifer has it. However, this is very hard to track down and I only came across it by chance.
Speaking of Polish nationalistic stuff from Eastside.. Have anyone heard Piorun? I'm curious about them since Varggoth from NM has been involved in their last album.
Death & Taxe$ - Alaska 12 Expeditions (all 3 are great, but this one they finally got a good vocalist)
Hard to pinpoint a style, just a great CD. There's metal, jazz, prog, alternative, bluegrass (just a little), etc.

Time of Orchids - Melonwhisper, Much Too Much Fun, and Early as Seen in Pace
Very adventurous band. No way to describe them properly. They play with Kayo Dot sometimes, so that must say at least something.

Evereve - Stormbirds
Not sure why this isn't hailed as the greatest goth metal CD ever, 'cause it easily is.

Sotos - Sotos
Anyone who likes progressive or technically challenging music should check out this French band. They are similar to bands like Magma, Nebelnest, Univers Zero, etc, but they easily outplay the lot of them (or at least what I've heard of the rest).
Nuclear Rabbit - Vicuna, Intestinal Fortitude, and Mutopia

Fans of Mr. Bungle and other weird shit should pick these up POST HASTE! Bizarre yet catchy stuff, and on Vicuna several 3 second songs!
I can think many (mostly us power metal bands with only one album, who they are all GREAT), but here are 5.
Truly imaginative prog "metal" from Austria. One ep that is technical prog metal that reminds nothing else, one album that is melodic progressive rock which reminds .. Radiohead sometimes, and then another album that has even jungle influences.. and is totally out of mind. Disbanded (of course)
imo the most underrated traditional doom metal band ever, from usa. All fans of doom must have "Yet So Far" (pretty rare, only found in ebay) or "Frozen Masque" a collection of their demos (some songs from "Yet So Far" in it)
Apollo Ra
and this is (imo, yes) the most underrated u.s. power metal band ever. One demo with almost 10 songs, re-released some years ago in vinyl, power metal in the vein of the first Crimson Glory album, heavier and .. better(really).
One of the top 5 european power metal albums for me..from Italy. Amazing melodies.
Depressive Age
Another european prog metal band from Germany. First two albums are superbe and dynamic metal with technical killer riff-age, then the third one was more weird..and their fourth and last one "Electric Scum" is the pinnacle of prog metal in the second half of the 90s. The "Rage For Order" of the 90s and more progressive (even now) than the large majority of the bands that are called "progressive metal"
Attention Deficit - s/t or The Idiot King

Alex Skolnick, Tim Alexander, and Michael Manring doing free form jam sessions. How the hell can you go wrong with THAT!? Seriously impressive musicianship here and just some great jams. Doomsniffer, I just burned you a copy of the s/t, hope you don't have it. And if you do, soon you'll have a backup! :Spin:
You've probably heard OF these, but I guess some of you haven't actually HEARD them. Anyway, I think they deserve more attention, so here goes:

Gehenna - Seen Through The Veil Of Darkness (Second Spell): Somber, mid-tempo, keyboard-driven, beautiful black metal.

Keep Of Kalessin - Reclaim: Absurdly good black metal, featuring Atilla on vocals and Frost on drums. Hypnotic, melodic, trance-like soundscapes with an almost ambient feel (not in the vein of Blut Aus Nord, however). One of the best albums released in 2003, and it's only a mini album, so that says quite a lot :p

1349 - Beyond The Apocalypse: I've got a feeling that a lot of people tend to ignore new Norwegian black metal releases, such as "Reclaim" and this one, because they think Norway only is capable of delivering polished, melodic black metal and/or "faggoth". This album proves that there is more to Norway than Dimmu and Satyricon. Raw, harsh, intense and cold. Winner.

Vesania - Firefrost Arcanum: "In The Nightside Eclipse"-era Emperor meets Behemoth. Epic brilliance from Poland.
henrikmain said:
Gehenna - Seen Through The Veil Of Darkness (Second Spell): Somber, mid-tempo, keyboard-driven, beautiful black metal.
I hear good things, then I hear bad things. Is it only this band's early stuff that is worth checking out?
J. said:
I hear good things, then I hear bad things. Is it only this band's early stuff that is worth checking out?

Their first three efforts, ("First Spell EP", "Seen Through The Veil Of Darkness" and "Malice") are all VERY good. Their later stuff is more like blackened death-ish metal. Still rather good, but their earlier stuff slay to a much greater extent.