226. Because I just posted 5 other reasons. This oviously shows that I do not own the album yet, if I did, I would be much more worried about things that involved listening to, reading, and looking at the artwork for Damage Done, other then posting 5 reasons why you should go buy this album, I am an insane mother fucker, what can I say you know, I am going nuts, see, I can't go see In Flames/DT/KE/Sentenced tomorrow, (Pomona Cal) So I am go ing nuts you know...I think ill end up killing myself...so yes... you should buy this album, its totaly worth your money...wait no, fuck that, you should buy some...some weed, yes weed, that will calm you down, because you know, its really YOU guys who are nuts, not me, cause you know im normal, and fucking shit and so t here.