1000 reasons to buy damage done today

@iron-flames: remember what i said about not flooding this thread with more than 10 replies in a row? good, because that's why i removed all your posts here following the tenth in a row.

next reason is nr. 712.

714. Because Rahvin would kick ass, except he some how thinks its not ok to spam a spam thread. Everyone must admit, all my usual reasons are quite entertaining. Those pictures were good shit...but no, some people just have to ruin the fun!
@iron-flames: repost your links and everybody's gonna have fun. spam threads are fun provided nobody decides to be the one dominating the spam. i'm surprised i actually have to explain this, but if on a thread based on increasing numbers somebody posts a new message (with its number) every minute, it becomes quite vexing and frustrating for other users to add their own message timing the reply. moreover, if you post 4789302 replies in a row, this thread stays on top all day long and nobody even notices when new messages are being added to other, less spam-intense threads.
in short, don't do it because it's a pain in the ass. ;) and stop complaining about me taking away from you the right to post 50 messages without taking a breath. :rolleyes:

rahvin. (kind to animals, especially monkeys)
726. Because my orig. links/pictures were better, but rahvin deleted them.

727. Because rahvin is getting irritated with me bitching about him deleting him posts.

728. Because if I keep bitching about rahvin deleting my posts, he will probably delete all of my posts.

729. Because I am trying not to bitch about rahvin deleting my posts, but it is very hard to not bitch about rahvin deleting my posts.

730. Because if you buy enough of them, Dark Tranquillity will hire board mods that don't PMS.
@iron-flames: if i got irritated because of things like the ones you do i'd spend my life irritated, and this would prove hazardous to my health. :) i still think your behaviour on this thread is purposefully annoying. you can post one message with the remaining 200 and something reasons, and you can find at least another 50 of them concerning my innermost cruelty, i assure you i won't remove it. but why spoiling the fun for others? is this some peculiar kind of trolling?
seeing that trying to explain to you the way i see it doesn't stop you from being disruptive i'll either ignore your attitude or remove the most blatant infringingments of rules.
it's actually rather :zzz: , but hey, it's my job until dark tranquillity "hire" someone better. ;)

rahvin. (not getting paid)
@rahvin: LOL Come on now, relax dude, seriously, its a fucking spam message board. This silly buisness isn't needed, I'll just stop posting reasons all together.
rei!!! congratulations!!! i am *so* happy :grin:
are you naming one of them "hyena"? pretty please....

737. buy dd so you can find cat names in the lyrics
