1176 blueface clone vs Waves vs Lindell 7x


  • A

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • B

    Votes: 17 77.3%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I love this gain
Oct 20, 2007
The Lindell is not a clone AFAIK. It's based on the 76 with less att/rel/ratio options but adds a mix knob and a sidechain HPF at 100 and 300 (I love compressors with this feature).

Quick test with a drum loop A-B-C, compressors just on snare, kick, mono room and smashed in parallel, choose your favourite or try to guess.


Edit: vox.

Just compressors:

After some analog processing, 76 at the end of the chain:

Bass (fucked it up and C is another loop edit. But you get the idea)

Same order.

Results are:
A. Lindell
B. Blueface
C. CLA76 Bluey
B is definitely the best. It has this hard, aggressiveness to it that A and C lack (C especially). It makes the other 2 seem flat and lifeless in comparison, almost like B has a slower attack time than the other 2 clips. That said, it seems like B is slightly louder as well, so that may play a part in my preference for it.

Won't guess, because I recall a similar test on here where the Waves plugin was voted the best by miles. Logic is telling me C should be the Waves, and B the blueface (though I'd like to hope it's the Lindell, I'm desperately holding myself back from buying one).
In class but keen to listen to these when I'm out. If the Lindell does well... I'll take 4. I originally bought a 2-space 500 unit (A-Designs) to limit by module purchases but now I just need to buy another lunchbox.
A and B are cool, C is definitely different - less sustain on those drums and less details, which could as well speak for less gain reduction or slower attack/release "voicing" of the compressor itself. I was looking into the Lindell series as well, so I am keen on the results. If Lindell is A or B I'll get a pair...
Would love to hear this in the mix. Soloed... I'd say both A and B were great. C was a bit dry sounding... I bet it's the most expensive one. :D But still the reason you use compressors is the flavor and make them fit the mix so I wouldn't say anything about which one of these is best before I hear them in a mix. :)
B, A, C in that order. B has a really cool, more forward midrange. C just sounds kinda flat. They're all pretty damn close, though - I'm not sure that you'd be able to tell a huge difference in a mix but if the Lindell is A or B then I'm definitely in.
I'm not sure that you'd be able to tell a huge difference in a mix

Could be that it ends up sounding like they all sound the same. Could also be that the transient/sharpness etc. could be emphasized better when there's more material competing for the space. :)
Could be that it ends up sounding like they all sound the same. Could also be that the transient/sharpness etc. could be emphasized better when there's more material competing for the space. :)

Yeah, very true. The thing I'd be most interested in is hearing a comparison on vocal tracks, and and then an 1176 v Lindell comparison when tracking vocals through them. That's the place I'm going to use an outboard 1176 the most on besides bass.
Yeah.. at least the Waves 1176 is my overcompression go-to for vocals. -12dB GR? Not enough!!!! :D
^^Agreed. I honestly find the time it takes to print outboard to not be worth it and to kill my workflow/vibe while mixing enough that I'd rather just track with a compressor from the get-go or use a plugin instead. Sometimes I'll do a lead vocal or super fucked up drum room but for the most part I'm totally fine with the CLA comps. Tracking is where outboard is key IMO.
Or run it in real time ��

haha, +1!

I have all of my favorite pieces out of the bunch of outboard we have just setup as external FX and then use it like a plugin; of course you can only use it ONE track but if you have enough ins/outs it's no problem.

Works GREAT for me with no delay or phase problem what-so-ever!

BTW; I like A the best. On B, I hear weird phase/stereo shifting anamolies that are very unpleasant to my ears. The harmonic distortion on the initial transients is great and in that regard, that's where A is lacking but A just sounds clearer and punchier to me. Just send that to a Buss with a 4k type comp on it to tame it a little bit and add some SMACK and you're good! =D
BTW: In my opinion this is much more about the feel of the drums, any regular listener wouldn't catch on the difference, so this is kind of a small detail, which would be determinant in a full mix, but not that much as it is. If it doesn't make sense blame it on the weed.
For me the fun thing is, right now I'm at work, I bough a 50$ pair of consumer akg headphones a few weeks ago, and I seriously can't heart that much difference, close to none when it comes to transients, i mean i kinda hear it's there but.. not really

It's like all the money you invest in your gear hits the wall that presents itself in the form of the listeners cheap ear buds

just a digression though, carry on