
deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
ok. so im officially done with irc. i think its fucking rediculous for people to critizise opeth and their fans for no other reason than its their "opinion
". yet, its not okay for me to give an opinion. hmm.
i guess maybe thats just me. the fact i like to know what im talking about rather than coming into a room and arguing with no validation of my points. im an "elitest". just remember that when you "discover" a band thats been in my mp3 playlist for 6 months prior to you knowing they exist, you remember where you hear them from.
being into metal for over a decade, ive seen my far share of concerts. and to be honest, the last nevermore gig i went to had some fucking annoying fans too. so i dont see how opeth fans are so bad. but whatever. yeah, lets compare morbid angel to opeth. let me tell you. morbid angel HAS NOT BEEN PROMINENT IN METAL for 8 years. jesus christ. opeth are weak hahaha listen to masters apprentices, or blackwater park. i dunno.
all im saying is that im done with irc, and possibly this forum.
deathstrike from hell said:
ok. so im officially done with irc. i think its fucking rediculous for people to critizise opeth and their fans for no other reason than its their "opinion
". yet, its not okay for me to give an opinion. hmm.
i guess maybe thats just me. the fact i like to know what im talking about rather than coming into a room and arguing with no validation of my points. im an "elitest". just remember that when you "discover" a band thats been in my mp3 playlist for 6 months prior to you knowing they exist, you remember where you hear them from.
being into metal for over a decade, ive seen my far share of concerts. and to be honest, the last nevermore gig i went to had some fucking annoying fans too. so i dont see how opeth fans are so bad. but whatever. yeah, lets compare morbid angel to opeth. let me tell you. morbid angel HAS NOT BEEN PROMINENT IN METAL for 8 years. jesus christ. opeth are weak hahaha listen to masters apprentices, or blackwater park. i dunno.
all im saying is that im done with irc, and possibly this forum.

bitch bitch, whine whine.

Your thinking about leaving a kick ass community because some people don't see things the way you do? That screams out "ego" and "idiotic".

Lose the ego. Metal is about having a good time with aggressive music, not bragging about how much you know about metal, how certain bands suck, calling people "kid" or "boy" just because they disagree with you on certain topics, or anything else like that.
We all get touchy when it comes to our "favorite bands" ...I know I do but I try to stay objective... However, I think you are right about people who don't support their opinion with concrete arguments... They just suck!!!

I remember having a hugh fight over IRC once because someone told me he thought Annihilator sucks because they are canadian ...Never eturned since then :)

In a way ... I understand what you're saying... but don't leave the board there are plenty of good poeple here!

Here... have a donut o
Come on what the hell are you an 8 year old and can't argue about something without getting pissed off?

First of all it was you who couldn't support his arguments, you never really explained why you think Morbid Angel sucks. "Has not been prominent in metal for 8 years"? The only reason Opeth has been so popular is cause they mix all this shit together, clean vocals, half-baked ballads, supposedly heavy songs for the "death metallers" out there and appeal to a wider range of individuals that are new to metal, including the female population who are all over that fucktard Lopez.

Morbid Angel defined true progressive death metal and even if they make shit albums from now till the day they stop playing music, Altars of Madness, Blessed Are The Sick are all someone needs to listen to to figure out that they are far superior to anything Opeth will ever make.

With metal having so many genres and sub genres and bands to choose from, there's no doubt that a lot of arguing takes place, but IMO, an opinion is an opinion, we can argue all day about Opeth and I won't make you change your mind and neither will you make me change mine.

Now if you're such a fanboi and choose to get offended by what I say well you can go fuck yourself, I couldn't care less.