
Isabel rules....shes young but she could probably kick YOUR ass!
anyway, Deathstrike, what the fuck? i wasnt around so i dont know what youre whining about but it sound ridiculous...you can be an asshat on chat too you know...
no big loss..if you wanna leave the board, thats your business, no ones saying you have to leave the board...
hmmm... all i know is... Morbid Angel fuckin sucked live... WORST live show i've ever seen. hands down. They sounded like shit, and their solos kill your ears... how can ya enjoy that?

On another note.... people like what music they like. People have their opinions.... people clash. That's gonna happen no matter what. You like what YOU wanna like, and NOT what everyone else likes..... unless you're a nu-metal kid hehehehe.

but yeah...

do what ya want *shrugs*
deathstrike from hell said:
ok. so im officially done with irc. i think its fucking rediculous for people to critizise opeth and their fans for no other reason than its their "opinion
". yet, its not okay for me to give an opinion. hmm.
i guess maybe thats just me. the fact i like to know what im talking about rather than coming into a room and arguing with no validation of my points. im an "elitest". just remember that when you "discover" a band thats been in my mp3 playlist for 6 months prior to you knowing they exist, you remember where you hear them from.
being into metal for over a decade, ive seen my far share of concerts. and to be honest, the last nevermore gig i went to had some fucking annoying fans too. so i dont see how opeth fans are so bad. but whatever. yeah, lets compare morbid angel to opeth. let me tell you. morbid angel HAS NOT BEEN PROMINENT IN METAL for 8 years. jesus christ. opeth are weak hahaha listen to masters apprentices, or blackwater park. i dunno.
all im saying is that im done with irc, and possibly this forum.

All I can say is welcome to the internet. People bitch because they like to bitch and the internet is the best place for it. Why? because they can hide their face behind their monitor.

You are always going to have negative people hanging out in bands they don't like message boards or chats. They do it for 2 reasons. 1. to get a rise out of the fans of the band, or the band themselves. 2. To see if they can turn anybody else to their side. I mean even I have went to a linkin park fan chat, ripped on the band and everybody there, trying to convert people. Just how it is.

Most people are close minded too. So as soon as a band goes in a different direction, In Flames for example, people start "the sell out blame game". Its starting to uprise already in the Arch Enemy fan base. Just ignore them is the best advice I can give.
There are two things one should adhere to when posting on a board or a hub on IRC, especially one where people are close-minded and have no respect for opinions. There's the "Kiss My Ass" attitude, which I am fond of, then there's the "Buy Tampons Initiative" I suggest you do both. :)

... As far as Ct's soiled undies, how could you do such a thing to Chromie? Poor Chromie and his lack of soiled undies...
I still like In Flames, though R2R blew. I still like Arch Enemy, though AoR wasn't the greatest album. I argue, I fight, but in the end, I still respect the other man's opinion. I also like being hit in the face with Cara's fresh panties. :D
Remembers an episode distinctly....

Oh well. Like COBsteele said, that's the internet. Some shove their opinions down others throats, others scrap, but can still maintain some form a decency in the end.

Pick and choose your battles. Period. If someone seriously says some shit, decide if it's worth fighting over or not. Not just here, but everywhere. It's simple to me.