
deathstrike you need to give it a rest, everyone has their preferences and you can't change what people think. You need to calm down and stop being so fucking militant about music. I mean, christ, you and will had a 20 minute arguement over the correct spelling of Trey Azagthoth's name, even though you were proven wrong... just calm down and realize that there other opinions out there besides yours, and if you want people to respect yours, you better respect others'.
Larf03 said:
I remember having a hugh fight over IRC once because someone told me he thought Annihilator sucks because they are canadian ...Never eturned since then :)
What's wrong with that argument? It's perfectly logical... damn Canadians... can't trust any of em! They're way too nice and they're so close to us Americans. They cross our borders with ease every few seconds, who knows what kind of weapons they're bringing down and hiding for their eventual world-domination plans.

And Cryptopsy too while we're going there.... and Townsend/SYL/Etc
Larf03 said:
I thought we weren't supposed to blow our cover as world domination militants! What are you doing??

oh... DOH!
no one told me that!!!!
we said that we are gonna fool them for a while and then blow out cover no?

damn, im having a blonde moment... i must be canadian then...
Dead_Lioness said:
oh... DOH!
no one told me that!!!!
we said that we are gonna fool them for a while and then blow out cover no?

damn, im having a blonde moment... i must be canadian then...


Yeah... there's a little blonde in every canadian

*rolls a lock of his hair around his finger and laughs idioticly*
but then again come to think of it, everything else I do is pretty retarded and I'm pretty stupid so there is no way I can look any worse than I do already.
Dead_Lioness said:
i still think that the quote of:

"Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olimpics... even if you win, you're still retarded"

nuff said.
