14th Street Bridge update?


Terminate Bad Music
Feb 22, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA USA
SkiBumMSP and I are planning on staying at the Courtyard Marriott on Techwood Drive for PP. I know that the 14th Street bridge over I-75 was to be closed earlier this year. I assume this has taken place and construction has begun.

Does anybody who is familiar with that area of Atlanta have an update on the status of the bridge and what detours (driving & walking) are suggested?

Looking on Mapquest, it appears that there are bridges at 10th and 17th streets. Are these good for walking, or are they only for automobile traffic?

The 14th st bridge is almost completely dismantled. The 17th st bridge is fine for both auto traffic and pedestrians.

Techwood Dr, 17th, 14th, and W.Peachtree make a rough rectangle. Up Techwood and across 17th is almost the same as across 14th and up W.Peachtree.
There's also the bridge that they just finished (can't remember what street it is), that goes through to the other side of Tech campus. The problem with walking up to the 17th st bridge, is that it's mostly uphill to get from the off-ramp to State street, then up to 17th street.
So what is the best route to the Techwood when you get off the Marta? I am also staying there this year but its my first time?

did i get it right when I think that if I take the Marta from Midtown to Arts center, that I then just go under the tricky bridge part? Right now, I think of walking up there, and taking a cab back after the gigs.

edit: i was just looking at the roster, but for the last bands it says "until close". What time is that usually?
Hard to say. I'd expect at least 75 minute sets. Who knows... Amorphis might just play for 3 hours =p

To get there from Marta? Jeez.. I guess the fastest way now is to walk up to the 17th street bridge and back down. Probably 3/4 mile walk. But maybe there's another way I'm unaware of.

As for walking on Techwood, I know they are doing a lot of construction on it. When I drive past it it looks like you can't just follow the road, but you should be able to walk along it in some way.
did i get it right when I think that if I take the Marta from Midtown to Arts center, that I then just go under the tricky bridge part? Right now, I think of walking up there, and taking a cab back after the gigs.

edit: i was just looking at the roster, but for the last bands it says "until close". What time is that usually?

The Arts Center station is the stop you want. Head north from there on W Peachtree (be careful - every other street in Atlanta is named Peachtree) and when you hit 17th st. you should see the venue on the NW corner (plus there will be a bunch of metalheads milling about.) Here's a LINK to a Google Map that has MARTA overlaid onto it. (Zoom in if necessary to find the Arts Center station - hint: it's the last stop north out of downtown before the blue line starts to curve to the northeast.)

Regarding the show itself, there really isn't a hard stop that I'm aware of... Others may know differently. The last couple years it wasn't unusual to see the show end at 2 AM or later from what I recall. I'm talking about the main fest here... the shows on Weds and Thurs should end earlier. Keep in mind that the PPUSA X roster announcement will be on Friday. I'd be prepared for 2:30 or 3 AM if you plan on sticking around for that.
Checked last night. Techwood is basically gone from 10th to 16th street. You'll likely have to detour a bit and go west from the hotel and then around. Only adding about an extra block of walking though so not a big problem. Also for those that drove there previously you can only get into the hotel from 14th street, you can't get into it from techwood, so just make sure you have appropriate directions :)
So what is the best route to the Techwood when you get off the Marta? I am also staying there this year but its my first time?


At least looking at the map, I found out that it is better to get off at the Midtown stop (one stop before Arts Center) and walk over on the 10th street bridge, then turn right and walk up Techwood.

If the 14th street bridge was still there, I'd say get off at Arts Center stop and then walk across on the 14th street bridge. But I guess that's not possible right now. :waah:
Doesn't appear to be updated with the current bridge construction. But I like the idea though. :)

Yeah, it's in beta so it won't be 100% even disregarding all the damn construction. But considering all the one ways it's at least more accurate than driving directions and will give you an idea of the time it'll take you if you reroute it along the 17th Street bridge.