$15 an hour for recording in a half assed sound treated BEDROOM


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Let me know your thoughs on these children using nothing but Plugins and a 5150, and calling themselves professional. I am so tired of this bedroom warrior bullshit. Mother fuckers wouldnt know how to properly EQ or Compress a Kick Drum if you gave them a PRESET!

Its so frustrating trying to do this for a living and these little bitch asses with their PODs, Steven Slate Drums, and Cracked Plugin bullshit .....

Sooo frustrating.
My experience is that it's pretty easy to outdo those guys. The only people who will work with the bedroom noobs are the people you probably wouldn't want to mess with anyway because they have no respect for their music. What worked for me was having a sound nobody can reproduce at a great rate and great treatment of bands. Make your own samples, make your own workflow, try new things and different amps, and be proud of a product you release. Find a way to be different in a way no bedroom warrior can touch!
I still think the best part is the mother fucker had the nerve to say shit like... "If you cant afford $15 an hour for a recording, you shouldn't be recording"

Mother Fucker if your charging $15 an hour for recording YOU SHOULDN'T BE AN ENGINEER / PRODUCER!
Oh Look :fu:

As always fuck off Owen

You know chief, I always liked how you've always embraced the Behringer way of thinking, that if you stick that you're a 'pro' onto the end of everything - it automatically makes it happen.
We have all argued a billion times about whats the most important piece of gear, and we have all agreed ears....

My point in all of this being, how is someone going to make a living on $15 an hour, and call themselves a professional engineer / producer. Do they really think anyone of any significance is going to even bother paying attention to their work. They are devaluing themselves for no reason. Recording 10 bands at $15 an hour or one band at $75, its still the same amount of cash, and people don't think you are a fucking joke.
And the point has always been that if thats somehow a threat to you then you should really reevaluate your priorities.

That bedroom warriors somehow impinge on real studios is a bit like saying theres a lack of market for high class escorts cos everyones out dying to catch herpes off the streetwalkers.
Honestly, i doubt you're losing any business because of bedroom warriors (admittedly, i'm one of them). If a band records with a "bedroom warrior" i doubt the band cares about quality of the product and they probably won't record with you anyway.
Is anyone bothered by local "studios" which were started by people with too much money and too little recording knowledge? There are bedroom warriors here who make them sound like complete noobs. It sucks when your friends go to these "studios" when there are much better places to go. Oh, well.
Öwen;10459283 said:
And the point has always been that if thats somehow a threat to you then you should really reevaluate your priorities.

That bedroom warriors somehow impinge on real studios is a bit like saying theres a lack of market for high class escorts cos everyones out dying to catch herpes off the streetwalkers.

This... +1

Yeah but it's a different kind of service, its more like a demo studio.

About the cracked plugins... I think its really stupid

Reaper .99 is a good daw and its 100% free

The you have the variety of sound plugins, Karjaus effects a million free drum samples i dont see the need to crack anything
Anyone even considered that the $15 kids could probably run rings around most of the people here? Probably Jason too. Just sayin' ....

Probably? Unlikely. Possibly? Sure. I think that $15/hour for a spare room studio is reasonable. It's the $25/song stuff I think is insane. Nearly everyone here including some of the heavy hitters do work at home to cut cost and/or increase profit. There is also a lot of variety in home studios too. I think James Murphy is running an HD3 in his house, but I wouldn't turn my nose up at it.

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