

guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
1. i was so impressed with Mesa Boogie's customer service last night that i am wearing my Mesa Boogie polo shirt to work today.

2. actually all my other shirts were wrinkled beyond comprehension and this was the first i could find.

3. for the first time in like 5 years or so my fingertips on my left hand are starting to callous again and i am self-conscious because it makes them look all leper-like and stuff.

4. my roomate's father who is replacing me in my cureent apartment moved in on tuesday and after only only two days in RI, has gotten himself a date.

5. i cleaned out my closet last night and found razor blades that i originally bought in 2000 for my trip to italy but thankfully they fit my razor now so i am able to finally use them.

6. i also found my passport sandwiched between some folded up motW posters and this porn movie i had been looking for a long time ago.

7. i took the day off yesterday because i wanted to sleep and also because my boss let it slip that i had 24 paid time off days and i only need 19 for the tour.

8. i woke up at 3:30pm

9. my room is now in a shambles because i have everything strewn about to sort through and see what needs to be thrown away.

10. i have a bunch of heavy metal/punisher posters which i never put up in my apartment because i felt they look too immature and dorm-roomish but yet i can't seem to find the heart to throw them away.

11. moving is both a wonderful and shitty experience.

12. i went to Kmart and bought an entire new bed set of sheets and linens and a comforter.
minx: ok

nick: i am moving to medford, ma but i am like a stone's throw away from the border of somerville.

and yes he will be living with his own father. it sounds strange to you and before i met his family it would sound strange to me but it actually isn't as weird as it may seem.

also his dad made us jambalaya last night which was very delicious.
yeah i find that changes like that make big waves on overall mental states.

you're still keeping the car, though, i imagine. or is that part of the $300-400 a month?
nick: actually i wasn't figuring car insurance into that amount. that was just the actual driving to and from train station costs per month for me.

amanda: commerce rejected me the one time i tried to get insurance through them.
also, here's a penis wreath for your new front door:


La Bastille is a very-large-scale integrated art installation created by Technology House at Brown University. The product of over five months of planning, construction, and installation, La Bastille is the largest art installation ever to appear in Rhode Island, partially visible from Narragansett Bay and from Interstate 95.

When it was running, it was also the world's largest fully-functional Tetris game.

More at: http://bastilleweb.techhouse.org/
moving is a great time to throw out all that stuff you're reluctant to and start anew. it's hard to make that break, but once you throw out one thing, the rest fall like dominoes.
speaking of which, I have huge piles of junk in my garage to donote to charity/throw away.
amanda: actually it was when i first got my car and they wouldn't get me insurance because one of their criteria is you need to have had previous car insurance for like a year or something and at that point i had none.