1666 things you've noticed about a dt forum member -

184: Zack is either

c)eating a hamburger
d)using substances
UndoControl said:
Maybe this thread should become "1000 things you've noticed about Zack and 666 things you've noticed about other forum members"...

NO! I want them all

Rampage- I dunno. Maybe it has powers that don't let people spam

Gahh what have I done?
187. qrv is forgiven, and so is undocontrol concerning the capital r: after all, i always type all of your screen names in lowercase.
188. undocontrol likes to spin the drama wheel just a tiny bit past the point where it's likely to crush him hard and fast
189. although i have seen hyena fairly recently, i still wish i had seen hyena more recently than that
190. whenever i read a post by fireangel, the words "german engineering in da houze, ja" spring to my mind.
37. Ormir looks like Ville Valo of HIM. And as he hasn't been around here for ages (or has he?), he must be touring with HIM right now.
Nowadays no. I just saw him last thursday - head shaven because of the army. :( He just looked so delicious with his 70´s progeressive rocker -hair and moustache.
61. Lolita Vampire has open relationships.
Isn´t this like a stupid rumour which lead to annoying flamewars over the boards few years ago. She seems happily married to me.
127. Spike travelled from Australia to Finland for the Tuska-Festival.
Wouldn´t this be more like Yayo, ´cause Spike was travelling "around the world" way before Tuska? Can´t recall where exactly.
191. Fireangel doesn´t like gory depiction.
192. Human Desert (former idari) isn´t as bad in real life compared to her UM-image few years back.
193. Dark_silece never forgets to mention to her relations.
194. There used to member here who advertised for band "Tritonus" who sang in finnish.
195. Salamurhaaja used to drop by at least once a week to tell us how shitty country Sweden actually is.
196. He (Salmis) also promised a death to each and everyone who spoke out his real name in vain.
197. KingChaos has almost split my side with his observations in the previous "things youve noticed" thread.
198. rahvin likes VNV Nation and his command of English is excellent.
199. hyena knows a shitload about business and stock market and is probably the only forum member who comes close to rahvins command of English.
200. Taliesin has my utmost respect.
201. DarkSilence has a cool boyfriend, which makes her even cooler.
202. UndoControl is the forums post-whore.
203. Rincewind likes Discworld series and is in love with the forums post-whore.
204. Zack is teh kiddo.
205. RampageSword and marduk will shoot each other one day. ;)
206. wildfyr likes Life of Brian and posts great pics.
207. Villain has finally come back to finish the song survivor.
208. Siren is teh lovely.
209. Several forum members think I want to be married to my dog.
210. QRV is a buddy, a smart guy.
211. EtherealSage likes games.
212. 6StringedFingers is weird, but definitely not stupid, and he likes chess.
213. Plintus is a gay pornstar.
214. Geri hasnt posted for a while and owes me teh fishnet pic.
215. TheNewBuild vanished. :cry:
216. DragonLady likes Green Carnation.
217. Tritonus has a nice new avatar. And if its her, shes pretty, too.
218. incendo changed his nick, doesnt post often, but when he does, its worth it.

Villain said:
Well, close enough. I don't think there's an exact English word for my profession, but it falls somewhere between "on-the-field social work" and "special youth work". "Social worker" is probably good enough in English, but the Finnish equivalent ("sosiaalityöntekijä") has clearly defined boundaries and some parts of my work break them. My current job-title is something along the lines of a "case manager for young offenders".

Bjorn from Soilwork has the same job I think. He called it "streetwork" - could that be it?
Naku ist krig said:
Wouldn´t this be more like Yayo, ´cause Spike was travelling "around the world" way before Tuska? Can´t recall where exactly.

that would be okay with me also ;) I only knew that Spike travelled around in Finland before the festival.

219. Siren is gonna marry Nick in July :D
220. Naku´s former name was RealHazard
221. Hitori´s former name was VioletBaudelaire.
222. Marduk introduced himself here by critiqueing our habits of drinking alot and talking about it.
223. Undo control finds himself holding his tongue when we all wrongly describe Mikael stanne as Jesus. Because undo is infact, Jesus.
224. Siren sees the naked body as art.
225. King Chaos thinks siren should post some art in the creativity thread.
226. Hitori likes Battle Royale.
227. Taliesin is as viking as they come.
228. Dark Silence gets to ride in Taliesin's longboat.
229. Some other forum members have dt related tattoos (Villain?)
230. This board has far too many Seagal's music fans.

rahvin said:
190. whenever i read a post by fireangel, the words "german engineering in da houze, ja" spring to my mind.


marduk1507 said:
Well, obviously, I dont understand how could anyone mistake you for a guy.

As of fact #213 it can be wishful thinking