1666 things you've noticed about a dt forum member -

Tritonus said:
Of course nobody loves me! :Waah:
Now that it's spring in Sweden I'm gonna start with my nobody loves me talk, at the same time as everybody falls in love with eachother. Everybody feels a bit lonely sometimes, nothing special...

Nah, that cute shit is plainly annoying, if you ask me. But being derpessed isn't an option, since liquor stores and sex shops are open.

Be a man :heh:
plintus said:
Nah, that cute shit is plainly annoying, if you ask me. But being derpessed isn't an option, since liquor stores and sex shops are open.

Be a man :heh:

NO!!! I'm a minor!

NO!!! I'm a girl!

It doesn't work! :b
King Chaos said:
You really think you'll be single that long? Or do you plan to have a few failed relationships over the year?

Ok. I don't think that's long. That's not good signe, right? I tried to cut the love-crap on this phorum, but I'm just makin' it worse. I'm sorry
How many times do I have to tell you this. Yes, god is perfect. The Mind's I always watches us.

But I guess depressed is an option then! hahaha! I love bein' a teenager..
311. UC probably has some form of insecurity that he counters by surrounding himself with people he feels superior to. that may be one of the reasons why he chose a girlfriend with a worse command of vocabulary and "deep concepts" than him. in real life this could have been irrelevant, but seeing that on internet forums all you see about someone is how and what they post, i imagine that he was actually attracted by the fact that she looked inferior to him.

312. ivana is a nice person, kind and attentive, and i didn't mean to insult her with the forementioned. i just wanted to share knowledge accumulated in too many years.

313. rahvin is not very tall.

314. wolfman von jones has a fondness for american beer and manowar.
I like Cuthalion. :)

Predrag: Oav?! :eek: *in shock* *dies* Who is Oav? Link to his profile please! (Yes, maybe it's something like Oav44 or .oav. and i'm too lazy to search.)

Tri: So my girl and i should conform to your absurd depression and stop talking like we do? I don't think so.

Marek: It's because it's Ivana and not her. ;)

Oh, and, Tri.. King Chaos is a guy. :rolleyes:

319. hyena is being an asshole, and she knows it.

320. UC is going to let hyena believe whatever she wants to because he doesn't have the nerve to begin a pointless argument about things which only he knows (like his motivations for loving Rincewind) with people he used to respect (like hyena).