1666 things you've noticed about a dt forum member -

tri: depends on how you mean with serious. not as in that i think it's a big deal or hold any grudges against uc and rincewind, but the post in itself was serious, yes. i do think it's a part of good netiquette and all that, and if done to a greater extent i probably would have found it annoying.
RampageSword said:
I have nothing against the blacks. I think everyone should own one.

FUCK YES! Finally it's not so intense around here :)

328- Kentucky Fried Chicken is very funny
329- Some forum members prefer to not see UC and Rincewind's business
hyena said:
Thanks for the kind words. I support free speech even if you choose to use your freedom to say that I disgust you. So please allow me to use my freedom to say what I deem accurate, even if of course I might be wrong and you might not agree with me (the two points are independent of each other).

If a thought crosses my mind that seems to me worth sharing, I will share it.
I think what Marduk's point was just that it was unnecessary. You see, everyone with a grain of social skills and the shadow of a brain figured that out long ago, but the debate is pointless. Of course you were well within your rights to say what you said, but from all the effort and honesty in your posts, at the end of the day, you still wont have won anything. Except maybe the satisfaction of knowing that you made use of a basic right of society. I hope it was worth it ^^
Taliesin said:
I think what Marduk's point was just that it was unnecessary.

Wasn't. Pointing out that what is portrayed as something is really something else is never unnecessary. Engine of understanding and progress, actually. Passion for the truth is what drives people and societies towards improvement. And calling things with their true name is never a hindrance or an insult. Of course I, as much as everyone else, might be wrong in figuring out the true name of something. But then I might have to say sorry because I was wrong, not because I tried to speak the truth.
You see, I completely agree, still I dont think he's gonna get it and experience has told me that it's just not worth it.
Trust me, Ive bitten back the urge of posting something similar several times, because every time I indulged in a discussion like this, the person in question never appreciated the insight and the attempt to make him/her a better person and UC in particular doesnt strike me as an insightful person, nor as particularly open to ideas of selfimprovement. Maybe one day that'll be different, but until then, all you (and I) are gonna get from him is defiance and scorn
330. Everyone in here is way too judgemental.
331. Undo has serious identity problems.
332. Hitori hasn't been around as of late.
333. marduk likes Neurosis.
334. so does King Chaos.
Cuthalion said:
i'm black

I saw one black guy in LEATHER jacket in the first row at dt and later in the bar praying upon Martin H.

I think dreads draw some fans, fo sho. :kickass:
@cuthalion: i thought i saw photos of you where you looked really white for a black man, but i might be remembering incorrectly.

@taliesin: right, point taken. :)
I know at least 1 black person who likes dark tranquillity. I couldn't tell if he was at the show or not though because his eyes were closed

hyena said:
@cuthalion: i thought i saw photos of you where you looked really white for a black man, but i might be remembering incorrectly.

i'm black from the inside :) Seriously, i think that black people are sometimes waaay better than the white men.
And in that spirit:

NOFX - Kill all the white man

Oh yeah, oh yeah kill all the white man
Oh yeah, oh yeah kill all the white man
Oh yeah, oh yeah kill all the white man
Oh yeah, oh yeah kill all the white man
The white man call himself civilized
Cause he know how to take over
The white man come to pillage my village
Now he tell me I have to bend over
Oh yeah, oh yeah kill all the white man
Oh yeah, oh yeah kill all the white man
No i do not like the white man up in me
He rape my people as he rape my country
Everything I love and cherish,
He try to take away
We will be rid of him,
Soon come the day.

hyena said:
But then I might have to say sorry because I was wrong, not because I tried to speak the truth.

I think you should say you are sorry, because I think you were wrong.


Stuff to think about. Is it really the passion for truth? You are attacking the ones you like (probably for the sake of their self-improvement, right?) and they are so stupid that they dont seem to get the point - that your intentions are to bring out the best in them, to make them perfect. But what is the basis for all this? What the hell makes you think that people around you should comform to your perspective? Is it really the passion for truth? Whose truth? Its totally natural that these people end up hating you. You have no fucking idea how sick you made me with that post about Undo and Rincewind. You ruined the second half of yesterday and a considerable part of today for me. But why is that so? Because you dont give a fuck. And the worst thing is that you are aware of that. And you still do it (because the truth blah blah). Accumulated knowledge my ass. If this is what that knowledge is about, thank you very much. Maybe I dont like what Undo does on this board (and I think people here agree with you only because they feel the same, which makes me sick even more, because this is not about that, this is about someone attacking someone else with a load of bullshit, and even if I didnt like what that person does here, I would still feel sick (and especially for Rincewind, your "I dont mean this as an insult" almost made me cry)), but I would never ever feel entitled to comment on his personal life the way you did. I once made that mistake with you and you were really offended. Well, I could also say that I didnt mean it as an insult, it was just my passion for the truth. So next time you start yapping about "blatant lies", remember this lie of yours.
I had the same passion for the truth when I was 18. I was attacking my wife (in those days my girlfriend) with all kinds of bullshit like you wrote about UC and Rincewind. I thought I see her as she really is and I was trying to make her fit that frame. It always ended in tears, her tears. This happened like every 3 months and it took almost 4 years. Then she wrote me a letter (what a silly thing to do, right?), a very long letter. And when I finished reading it I felt like a complete asshole. You may think someone is inferior, that s/he doesnt see the things you see and you have to tell him/her, because you are oh so fucking smart. Well, its wrong. There is a reason why you are drawn to these people, why you like them. They are not inferior, they just have their own perspective and ways of expressing themselves. The things I read in that letter opened my eyes and I quit my "quest for the truth", because I realised I was wrong. I have written lots of poems to my wife. Some of them have maybe done more than scratch the surface. My wife wrote only one poem for me - but when I read it, I felt Id never be able to write such a thing. It was very short, but her whole heart and soul were there. Thats love - and thats the something you dont have, and that makes you do what you do. If I continued with my "quest", I would never get a chance to read that poem, because my wife would start hating me and leave me. So, I wish you the best, I really do, but I simply cant read anything you post here, so Ill have to ignore you (or stop visiting this forum, which I wont do because of you). I did that before, but then I unignored you, because I felt kind of sad for doing that. Now I see that was completely stupid, because it would spare me from this shit. Goodbye.
hyena said:
311. UC probably has some form of insecurity that he counters by surrounding himself with people he feels superior to. that may be one of the reasons why he chose a girlfriend with a worse command of vocabulary and "deep concepts" than him. in real life this could have been irrelevant, but seeing that on internet forums all you see about someone is how and what they post, i imagine that he was actually attracted by the fact that she looked inferior to him.

besides all the discussions, this seems to me as an example of the psychological point of love; instincts of 'protecting someone' and 'being protected by someone'.