1666 things you've noticed about a dt forum member -

but i want them to be aware of that and admit that, so as to cut back on the number of lies that poison the world in this specific field.

the late hour and everything else doesn't make me quite able to write down what is mostly a buzz in my head, but it sure is an agreeing buzz (not only on this).
Cuthalion said:
i'm black from the inside :) Seriously, i think that black people are sometimes waaay better than the white men.

Nah, white meat tastes better.


But black people smell better, fo sho.

I can't choose :err:
rahvin said:
it's not exactly a flaw, but it's like having a house in beverly hills and no panic room.


EDIT - Actually, Im still quite new to the internet, I have been using it every day for the most part of the day for one year. And there is a panic room here, and Ive made a good use of it.
I dont know about everyone else, but I didnt know rahvin and Lina broke up, so Id like to say Im sorry it didnt work out, you made a nice couple. Not that I "know" either of you, but you seemed to make a good match. I kinda saw you two get married and all :(
Taliesin said:
I dont know about everyone else, but I didnt know rahvin and Lina broke up, so Id like to say Im sorry it didnt work out, you made a nice couple. Not that I "know" either of you, but you seemed to make a good match. I kinda saw you two get married and all :(
I also wanna say that I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out you guys. And surprised too. I hope you're both well and nobody lost any limbs during the seperation.
@hyena (and anyone else who thinks same): I really didn't want to react on your first post because I think everybody has the right on their opinion and I don't care what people who don't know me well,or at all think about me and my life. What made me react and wrote this (and pissed me off) was that you called him a sexist and all other things about him. I never met a person (yes,not a man, a person) who believes more in same position and equality in everything of both genders. Hell, if anybody in our relationship is sexist,that would be me,not him. And image of strong man and poor girl,please. I really don't know from where did you get that image in this case,but you are only one who has it and couldn't be more wrong. You see,I never «searched» for a man who will «protect» me,I think I can do that all by myself. And if I wanted,wouldn't it be very stupid of me to find one on other continent and one who can't be more far from that oh-so-attractive image of man today?! I love him precisely (among many other things) because he is so opposite from that image,he never tried to act or acted like I'm «weaker» in anything,quite contrary.
I know that my «image» on this board isn't serious or smart or respected like image of many others,but ever occured you that I just don't want to show my «deep concepts» here? I look at this place as place to have some fun (because I'm sick of seriousness in my life),meet interesting people and see their thoughts on many subjects. The reason why I'm not often part of serious discussion here isn't because I don't have anything to say,it's because I'm closed person and have troubles to express all I want to say on right way in front of many people. So yes,I have «worse command» of language than him. But all that can't apply in any case on our private conversations where I am what I really am and say all I want 100 % openly,all my «deep concepts» (which he understands perfectly despite my «bad» english and has many same,btw). As you see,when I have enough motivation (or just am fed up with all wrong things said),I can talk seriously. I'm sure you'll find many things written wrong because I just don't care is my every word correctly written or sentence grammaticly correct. I never thought that that shows my knowledge or intelligence in everything else,but that's just my opinion. You can also say this is «need to protect» and you sure are right,I want to protect so good person when somebody says so many wrong things about him,not because he is my boyfriend but because he is all opposite from what you said and I never liked to see people hurt the ones I care for,especially when they hurt them with so much untruthful things. Again,you have every right on your opinion,but in this case you really aren't competent to have any because only me and him know why we were attracted to each other really and it didn't happen on UM (therefor I don't see any background for your opinion).
If you think you do,then I can only say that,from my experience,people who surround themselves with inferior ones want them to stay inferior ones. Now,here things become really funny in my case (if I were inferior one) because Alex is one of few close persons who finds my thoughts and opinions really brilliant and smart and he succeeded to get my self-esteem and many other things high as never before because of how highly he thinks about me (in many things he actually thinks better about me than me myself and I'm often surprised how much he finds my thoughts brilliant,many more brilliant and smarter than his).If that's acting superior...
And like that was from the begining,he «saw» many things I never showed or will on this forum and was attracted by them (same goes for me) so your theory about him is really sad,I never thought that person like you,who I find so smart and very respect,could assume and say such things without really knowing anything about the subject.
Now,I'm sure you'll find in my post only more proof for your opinion because everybody sees things like they want to (and I really don't care 'cause I'm part of this relationship and know the truth,real one)…but I hope I'll never have so many years of «experience» to say such things about people I don't really know. There are many other things I could say,but I just don't have will to prove you that you are wrong because I never really cared what others think about my life,I'm the one living it and know it best.

Edit: rahvin,I'm sorry about you and Lina,I know I don't know both of you at all,but seems from others that you were good couple.
@rincewind: much extended respect for being the only one who gave me a reasonable argument in response to what i said. i'm not sure you're right, much in the same way you can't be 100% sure yourself, but i do appreciate the fact that you spent the time of the day to tell me where i was wrong. your explanation (not showing yourself fully on the forum etc.) was completely reasonable. it gave me a different point of view. i do enjoy people supplying extensive explanations where i can only have intuition. this drives me to learn things. right now i don't know yet what i'm learning about, but you gave me an input. thank you, it was valuable. :)

Let's be friends.
@hyena: Yes,I spent time of my day for that because I couldn't watch your posts anymore and not react. I usually let people tell about me and my life whatever they want and don't react because I don't like arguments and,as I said before,I don't care what others think,but this was too much to let it just like that, simply because you hurted him (and me, but that was never surprise for me, people judging me wrongly). And yes,I can be 100 % sure in what I said,otherwise I wouldn't said it (it would be too long and personal to explain why I'm so sure,but I am). You admited that it was only your intuition that led you to think that, that was all I needed, although I'm still puzzled how so intelligent and older person can say such things based only on intuition and not knowing persons she talks about (yes, I can say you don't know him at all too). I don't know will this make you learn anything new or whatever (and don't really care), but it would be nice that you learn that every person is different (and you can never have enough experience to judge things like that about others, even when you know them) and that not all of us look on love so calculated. Sincerely, I think you're a big sexist and didn't had much luck in love to believe anymore that it can be something free from all sexism and today's stupid standards, «just» a feeling between two persons who get each other perfectly. Now, this is only my opinion and I admit that I don't know you and am aware that I can easily be wrong and will admit that I am anytime (because I never think I have enough knowledge about others only through some forum). Don't thank me, you forced me to write things about me I didn't want to write here (I'm sure you know the feeling, minding your argument with Marduk and others in chat thread not long ago), but I appreciate that only because I had a chance to say it here, not to you, but to person I really care for.
Now you can continue to think whatever you want about us, I said all I wanted to say.
346. Tritonus is a teen in her 15's and is looking for a father figure, impersonating all her future lovers.
347. And her heart is broken, cuz I am gay totally and beyond.
348. Looks like I just said I was gay... which isn't true, but I'll let it rot for some time.