1666 things you've noticed about a dt forum member -

plintus said:
346. Tritonus is a teen in her 15's and is looking for a father figure, impersonating all her future lovers.
347. And her heart is broken, cuz I am gay totally and beyond.
348. Looks like I just said I was gay... which isn't true, but I'll let it rot for some time.

You got me on that one...
Rincewind said:
I think you're a big sexist and didn't had much luck in love

While it is true that my sentimental life so far has been quite unfortunate, I reject all allegations of sexism. I'm as equal-rights as they come. I'm not even a feminist (which is another form of sexism). I'm about people sharing responsibilities, no matter their gender - you won't ever hear a word from me about the fact that men/women should work/not work/only work in the home/earn more than each other and so on. I'm interested in scientific studies (see the Larry Summers diatribe, for example) showing whether the male/female brain could be more apt to certain types of reflections, but that's about as far as I get where taking gender differences into account goes. Oh, and I think that Edith Stein spent some good words on the matter of differences in the level of attention toward others between sexes (on average) with its good and bad consequences.

I really don't know where you got the idea that I share sexist points of view. I honestly don't or ever did.
hyena said:
you won't ever hear a word from me about the fact that men/women should work/not work/only work in the home/earn more than each other and so on.

i'm not a sexist either, but i do believe that it could be awesome if me and my partner could earn more than each other. :p

however, i don't think she really means sexist. there's probably some sort of synonym of "biased in regards to gender roles" in the source language that we're missing here. so, since you mentioned that you think a male of the species wants to fend off insecurity by picking a woman that fades conveniently in the background, then you must be holding to the prejudice that this is what guys do. i suppose this is where the sexism came from.
rahvin said:
so, since you mentioned that you think a male of the species wants to fend off insecurity by picking a woman that fades conveniently in the background, then you must be holding to the prejudice that this is what guys do.

well, it's hardly my fault if some guys do that. :)
hyena said:
well, it's hardly my fault if some guys do that.
Funny, i don't think i've ever given you any reason(s) to think that i'm one of those guys. Look, i don't want to fight either, but i want to say that i don't think your post was fair. Neither Ivana nor me (and especially not her; maybe i did it without noticing) ever said anything hurtful about/to you, and you can't imagine how that post broke her heart -- even more than mine.
'twas not meant as any sort of revenge. for the umpteenth time, it was not a slur, it was a thought about something i noticed.
It's annoying to some extent how you keep avoiding the main point of my posts and, more importantly, of hers. Either you're totally missing the point of what we're saying (which i don't think you're stupid enough to do, so i'll discard this option) or you're blatantly ignoring it and replying to the most insignificant of details (like whether you're a sexist or not and whether this is some kind of revenge or not). I'll ask you again in a very nice way (because i'm cool like that): Could you please list any and all posts of mine which made you think that i'm the kind of person who enjoys hanging around inferior people to feel superior and/or thinks about female and male roles as different?
@hyena: And you say you're «searching for truth»-my ass…after all me and him wrote here,you still won't admit that MAYBE we know more than you about our life, and that what you «noticed» was completely wrong. God, I hope I won't ever see myself so full of experience and knowledge to become so close-minded and too full of myself to listen to anybody else in the end.
dudes and dudesses - isn't it about time to discuss that episode in private? there won't be a winner / an insight / an excuse anyway, so let's either cut the bullshit and start over, or try to explain it to the other party via pm or what-have-you, and settle it.
and don't tell me that i could skip these posts, the thread, or use the ignore feature. i could as well skip the forum.
@mal: sorry. i thought the issue was of general interest.

@uc, ivana: feel free to pm me. or not.
hyena said:
@uc, ivana: feel free to pm me. or not.
This is so funny that i almost feel like using the :lol: smilie. Almost.

Why don't you pm us (and i mean both of us) your answer? Once again you're avoiding our posts. I might as well add that it doesn't surprise us. We expected you to be a coward like that.

Then again, i see why you wouldn't want to let two people 9 or 10 years younger than you embarrass you in front of a community you've been a member of for years.
done. go read your pm (sent to both), post it on the forum, air it with your dirty laundry, do whatever. i didn't post a long reply here because i didn't want to disturb malaclypse or others who could feel the same as him. i'm not scared of you, you know.
Tritonus said:
Ok...Are they really going to meet? Seriously?
In a little over fifteen days a plane will land on Croatia and he-who-goes-by-the-nickname-UndoControl-on-UM will step down from it and run to she-who-goes-by-the-nickname-Rincewind-on-UM's arms. Unless the plane crashes in the middle of the Atlantic or KC shoots me or whatever.

So yes, the short answer is "yes".
349: hyena just, out of nowhere (it would remain so until you post the proofs or the link to those proofs), accused UndoControl an egomaniac who likes to belittle others.

350: That accuse made certain people, including me and Rincewind, uneasy.

351: UC seems to be a nice guy.

352: I enjoyed talking to UC on several occasions, and I can assure you that he has an open mind.

353: But hyena's accuse has entailed a long and nonetheless interesting argument.

354: No one has noticed that, in a nihilistic context, these arguments are completely meaningless.

355: But they argued on, since they are not nihilists.

356: It is also during those arguments, Rincewind wrote her most complex post since her presence in this forum.

357: And in the end, everyone resolved their differences and lived happily ever after.
oh, quote was for expressing your good manner which seemed the (almost) happy end of arguements. and I wanted to play evil and bury it.