1666 things you've noticed about a dt forum member -

321. King Mao went straight edge long before me, but even then he was setting up world records in lighting up bum-holes in a rubbing way :D

322. The reason behind UndoControl has that many posts is because he hides behind each and every post you make on these boards. And here is a proof:


323. UndoControl is very insecure, hence a prick.

324. hyena just made everything clear. Thank you, ma'am. Thank you very much.
hyena said:
311. UC probably has some form of insecurity that he counters by surrounding himself with people he feels superior to. that may be one of the reasons why he chose a girlfriend with a worse command of vocabulary and "deep concepts" than him. in real life this could have been irrelevant, but seeing that on internet forums all you see about someone is how and what they post, i imagine that he was actually attracted by the fact that she looked inferior to him.

325: hyena's theory can be questioned by the fact that I beat UC 3 times (killing spree) in chess, and he's still coming for more.

Yes, UC, I'll kill you again, but not now, I have to study for the final exams.
hyena said:
311. UC probably has some form of insecurity that he counters by surrounding himself with people he feels superior to. that may be one of the reasons why he chose a girlfriend with a worse command of vocabulary and "deep concepts" than him. in real life this could have been irrelevant, but seeing that on internet forums all you see about someone is how and what they post, i imagine that he was actually attracted by the fact that she looked inferior to him.

312. ivana is a nice person, kind and attentive, and i didn't mean to insult her with the forementioned. i just wanted to share knowledge accumulated in too many years.

This was just so fucking unnecessary it makes me want to puke. You never fail to surprise me. :puke:
marduk1507 said:
This was just so fucking unnecessary it makes me want to puke. You never fail to surprise me. :puke:

Thanks for the kind words. I support free speech even if you choose to use your freedom to say that I disgust you. So please allow me to use my freedom to say what I deem accurate, even if of course I might be wrong and you might not agree with me (the two points are independent of each other).

If a thought crosses my mind that seems to me worth sharing, I will share it.
hyena said:
I support free speech even if you choose to use your freedom to say that I disgust you.
Then let me use my freedom of speech to say that i used to respect you and that it somewhat surprised me that you would fall so low as to insult two forum members like that with no reason to do it and with statements based on thin air (or, i presume, on the bitterness of the moment). Saddening shit indeed.
you're not understanding. i'm not bitter. i have nothing against you, on the contrary. and i have even less against ivana, whom i don't know. i just think i had a valid insight on some mechanics and i shared it with everyone. if i'm hitting the nail on the head, you should actually thank me because i'm telling you something about yourself which may help you. i am usually grateful to people who let me know how i'm seen from the outside, because we all have blind spots.

i was not aiming at a flame war and i repeat that i have no reasons to have a low opinion of you, your girlfriend, or everyone else. i was merely stating fact, from my point of view.
UndoControl said:
Tri: So my girl and i should conform to your absurd depression and stop talking like we do? I don't think so.

i doubt comforming to depression, absurd or not, was her point...

the thing is, it feels like it's (or was for a while) all over the place, while other couples here are a bit more subtle. there are those not so lucky who might not want other people's relationships rubbed in their faces too much. which you, of course, are in your full right not to give a shit about. i'm just saying.
Cuthalion said:
^maybe you are the one who doesn't get sarcasm, i was beeing sarcastic too And you don't have to pretend that you like me, i know you don't although i just can't figure out why. Is it because i'm black?

I have nothing against the blacks. I think everyone should own one.

I know, that was bad taste.
Del: Thanks for saying that, actually. Makes me think. And i think you might be right.

Claudia: See, that's the way to say something which might make other people learn and thank you. Not the mindless bullshit you came up with (for to me it is mindless bullshit, and i don't mean it as an insult). I'm rather surprised that i am seen like that from the outside, as i think i've proven many a time that i much prefer to be surrounded by brilliant minds than to be the smartest person around just because everyone else is stupid.

Oh, and Ivana is not inferior, mind you. She's quite the brilliant mind.
Delirious said:
i doubt comforming to depression, absurd or not, was her point...

the thing is, it feels like it's (or was for a while) all over the place, while other couples here are a bit more subtle. there are those not so lucky who might not want other people's relationships rubbed in their faces too much. which you, of course, are in your full right not to give a shit about. i'm just saying.

Well, I'm not very serious. Are you?
328. Tritonus doesn't like bad taste humor.
329. Tritonus isn't a racist.
330. RampageSword's humor can be offensive. (and he is not a racist either)
331. Tri has strange humour, since she laughed very hard today at. Wann du bisst hier, hier ist immer was loss.
332. And Rampy is right about her not being a rascist.
Tritonus said:
326. KC is in fact a guy
Really? *looks in pants*
Mint! All these years I've been pissing sat down for nothing.

327: Hyena actually said something interesting, and made it clear it was her observations based only on how people have put themselves across on the board... people didn't need to fly off the handle.
328: Delirious shares the same name as a popular and very unique wrestler at Ring of Honor promotions.