17 Year Old Shot Near My House

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Manly Man!
Apr 15, 2007
Cooperstown and Oswego, NY
This actually happened last week, I just never got around to posting it. Anyway, Goodspeed Road is about a quarter-mile up the road from my house and we walk our dogs there all the time. We even walked them past that road only four hours after the shooting, completely unaware of what had just happened. However, my mom hadn't been taking them up the road recently, because so many people hunt up there illegally during deer season. Although it's not mentioned in the article, the dead-end road is actually more of a driveway, and the property on both sides is private. Honestly, considering all the other charges brought against them, I'm surprised that neither family was charged with trespassing.
A hunting accident in Middlefield on Friday left an out-of-state man hospitalized and an out-of-town man under arrest, Otsego County deputies said.

Marc R. Macvean, 17, of Zeeland, Mich., was in stable and improving condition, said a nursing supervisor at Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown on Friday night.

He was brought there after an accident that occurred about 8 a.m. in a wooded area off Goodspeed Road, deputies said.

He was shot by James C. Person Jr., 20, of Gloversville, who was charged with second-degree assault and first-degree reckless endangerment, both felonies, and taking an illegal deer. He was released on his own recognizance to appear at a later date.

Deputies said the victim was hunting with family and friends in a dense wooded area. Person was also hunting with family and friends.

Both were dressed in full camouflage clothing with no fluorescent clothing to identify them. Both hunters were in stationary positions and were unaware of the other's existence.

Person observed a deer and fired one shot from his .35-caliber rifle, striking the deer. It ran, and Person fired two more shots, one of which struck Macvean in the back and exited his abdomen, hitting his left hand. Macvean and Person were about 150 feet away from each other when the shooting took place, deputies said.

Macvean was treated at the scene and underwent surgery at Bassett for his wounds.

During the investigation, the victim's stepbrother, Eric A. Cheney, 20, was charged with lending a hunting license to another person. Person's father, James C. Person Sr., 43, of Gloversville, was charged with failure to co-sign a deer management tag.
I wish the US government would fucking wake up and BAN FUCKING GUNS. Jesus how many people have to die for people to realise that legalisation of firearms is fucking dumb as hell? And fuck the "right to bear arms" line of the Constitution. It's time the US canned its total non-control of firearms.
I wish the US government would fucking wake up and BAN FUCKING GUNS. Jesus how many people have to die for people to realise that legalisation of firearms is fucking dumb as hell? And fuck the "right to bear arms" line of the Constitution. It's time the US canned its total non-control of firearms.

I wish the US government would fucking wake up and BAN FUCKING GUNS. Jesus how many people have to die for people to realise that legalisation of firearms is fucking dumb as hell? And fuck the "right to bear arms" line of the Constitution. It's time the US canned its total non-control of firearms.


Fucking dumbass republicans.
:lol: Well, not like you folks would know any better. A society of adults getting shot every other day, kids getting shot in schools with you all scratching your heads as to why it happened is all you've ever known. It's normal for you guys.

Banning something because of the handful of people who abuse it is never the right fucking answer, sorry.
:lol: Well, not like you folks would know any better.

Honestly a fucking retarded thing to say coming from a guy on the other side of the world with absolutely no knowledge of how American society functions, nevermind negating your point with a stupid scare smiley imo
Honestly a fucking retarded thing to say coming from a guy on the other side of the world with absolutely no knowledge of how American society functions

Well I wouldn't go that far, we're exposed to a hell of a lot of American culture here in Australia, but yeah Hubster needs to get off his high horse for sure.
Banning guns would fix the problem just like prohibition did for alcohol.

Banning guns probably wouldn't help all that much, but it may help some. There are likely millions of guns in the Country now. If people want guns bad enough they will get them. If they want Heroin bad enough they will get it also. I think that if they banned guns in the Country it would lead to thousands more arrests & that's coming out of taxpayers pockets. It would make the Country more expensive to live in & jails even more over populated. It's really hard to tell if that law would really save all that many lives. Would the good qualities about the law outweigh the negative qualities?

That's my take on it.
Banning guns would fix the problem just like prohibition did for alcohol.

Well, look, as much as I think firearms should be prohibited in the US, agreed, it *is* late for that.

But I do really think it's literally sad (read: upsetting) that kids are shooting other kids in US schools. It's a huge bummer.

Well I wouldn't go that far, we're exposed to a hell of a lot of American culture here in Australia, but yeah Hubster needs to get off his high horse for sure.

It's not a high horse mate, it's just my view. I think guns are fucked, it's just asking for (more) trouble.

From the American posters who hammered my post - what I'd like to know is, how do you, personally, feel having guns is justified? Don't tell me some mishmash about how everyone else has one justifies it - that's the cheap way out, and so is referring to your Constitution.

I want to know, honestly, how it benefits you as an individual. And if you feel it's to protect yourself, then how come so many others of us in the world don't need guns?

Secondly: if you support your "right to bear arms", then how do you suggest control of guns to stop the firearms-attributed horrible loss of life in America which seemingly occurs so often? How do you feel it is best to address this problem?

No troll here, I'd like to genuinely know.
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