17 Year Old Shot Near My House

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then how come so many others of us in the world don't need guns?
Because you don't need to live on the knife's edge.. since not everybody has a right to bear arms. :loco: :p

:lol: C'mon man, that's cheating! Didn't I say not to refer to your Constitution and to give your personal reasons?

Why do you need to live on knife's edge? Explain! Justify dammit!
It's not a high horse mate, it's just my view. I think guns are fucked, it's just asking for (more) trouble.

I'm not necessarily talking about your view here, I think gun control needs to be looked at in America as well, although it's certainly not the black & white argument you make it out to be. It's your patronising anti-American attitude that's the problem. How do expect to have a productive discussion with any of the Americans on here when all you do is rant & rave about how their laws are fucked and they've got no culture?
Hence why I re-iterated my post a couple of posts back to strip that aspect away. No, I don't agree with American culture, I am very against it. But that doesn't mean I won't make an effort to understand it. If I'm being patronising, then I apologise for that. I won't apologise for my opinion however.

Secondly, there are many posters here who say things I find extremely offensive, but the fact is that it's the internet, and there's no point me making a big deal about it. I state my views, as many other people do, as I have the right to, as everyone has the right to.
:lol: C'mon man, that's cheating! Didn't I say not to refer to your Constitution and to give your personal reasons?

Why do you need to live on knife's edge? Explain! Justify dammit!
I didn't refer to the american constitution.

You've got to live on the knife's edge because everybody around you is a potential gun-bearer. Who's to say Mr. HeavilyDrunkX living next door won't go apeshit on his team losing some baseball final and target practice on your temple through your living room window just because you didn't return his lawn-mower? :zombie:

EDIT: I'm basically making a loopular :)zombie:) logic. For dem funs.
I find that aspect upsetting somewhat. That you can't trust your neighbour, and it forces you to arm yourself.

Mind you, even over here, the sense of community in the decade or so has vanished. Unfortunately it's also become very individual-orientated here. Selflessness is a dying concept.
I'm not necessarily talking about your view here, I think gun control needs to be looked at in America as well, although it's certainly not the black & white argument you make it out to be. It's your patronising anti-American attitude that's the problem. How do expect to have a productive discussion with any of the Americans on here when all you do is rant & rave about how their laws are fucked and they've got no culture?


Hubster, I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I know that I'd take your opinion a lot more seriously if you weren't such a prick when it comes to Americans. I don't think I need to explain why it damages my opinion of you whenever you rant about how much you hate us, that we have no culture, whenever you profess to know what's better for us more than we do and about how your own way of life is so superior. For example:

Contemplating the majority-stupidity of American youth.

Shit like that. Why would I want to talk about any aspect of my own culture (yes, we have one, by the way, despite what you think) with someone who is so clearly prejudiced against it?

Having said that, I'll bite. The right to possess weapons is and always has been part of our culture (there's that word again). Hopefully there will come a day when it isn't, but I do not believe the outright ban of guns is the answer. They do, obviously, need to be regulated more than they are now. Perhaps they can be phased out over time, but to ban them know would upset far too many people (and, yes, that is a legitimate point, since there are so, so many people who whole heartedly believe in their right to have them).

I also don't think this incident is a good example of why there should be gun control. This was not a case of some nut running around with the office with a pistol who capped his boss, this was a hunting accident (albeit an illegal hunting accident). I certainly don't think people should be dissuaded from hunting deer. I don't know about the area where this happened, but I sure wish more people would kill deer around here.
I believe the origin of this constitutional right stemmed from the local militia groups. Of course, now in contemporary times this has been phased out, and any chance of reducing this aspect has long passed. There are many people who own gun shops and base their living off of it. As well as a national organization, NRA, and lobbyist who have their hands in congress’s pockets.

Personally, I would like to see guns removed from our country seeing as they cause far more damage than any good. However, weapons and the thought of using them to protect oneself have been deeply sown into our society’s fabric.
Guns and the necessity of such has been a part of America since its inception. This is not to justify anything, but merely to point out that this is not at all a simple matter, as the ability to defend oneself is looked at very highly here, rightly or wrongly. The point is that it's impossible to ban guns in the US because it has been a fundamental part of our culture for the entirety of its existence. Ideally, I would ban guns as well, but in reality it is not going to do much, and I also believe that responsible people who want a gun for recreational purposes should be allowed to have one as well. I don't see the fucking point in it myself, but that's irrelevant, and is not enough to prevent me from believing that people should have the right to have a gun. But obviously, the key issue here is not banishing guns in a clean sweep, which will never work, but rather to establish a more effective means of gun control and to crack down on gun trafficking.
Or, you know, shooting galleries. Or collecting guns as historical artifacts from war history. Or other, non-violent uses.
Guns and the necessity of such has been a part of America since its inception. This is not to justify anything, but merely to point out that this is not at all a simple matter, as the ability to defend oneself is looked at very highly here, rightly or wrongly. The point is that it's impossible to ban guns in the US because it has been a fundamental part of our culture for the entirety of its existence. Ideally, I would ban guns as well, but in reality it is not going to do much, and I also believe that responsible people who want a gun for recreational purposes should be allowed to have one as well. I don't see the fucking point in it myself, but that's irrelevant, and is not enough to prevent me from believing that people should have the right to have a gun. But obviously, the key issue here is not banishing guns in a clean sweep, which will never work, but rather to establish a more effective means of gun control and to crack down on gun trafficking.
:worship: You said it all brohemian.

I did some digging last night about this issue and the reason the Australian gun ban has been fairly successful is that there were relatively few guns to begin with. That is not the case in America. There is also the whole cultural aspect. I myself have fired guns at shooting ranges and such and it is very fun and very safe, and I think it would be wrong to ban that. Same thing with (legal) hunting. My Dad also owns some guns, but they are like 19th century Austrian rifles that they don't make ammo for.
I rarely shoot guns, but it is really a lot of fun and I love doing it when I get the chance. As was already stated I think there is a deeply ingrained feeling in America that we should be able to own guns if we goddamn well please. In our government class the other day I found out that apparently some types of assault rifles are even legal to own now because the current people in power refused to renew the ban on them. I think hunting is a great American tradition, as is target practice at the range, and all manner of non-violent gun use. It is true that in some cases you really cant trust your neighbor and feel that you must own a gun, sad but its true. You never know what kind of psycho might decide to enter your home. I whole-heartedly support the second amendment. Banning things because of the stupid people is a horrible idea. Should we ban sparklers because stupid parents let their little kids run around and poke each other in the face with them? Should we ban cars because people get into accidents? Should we ban two-story houses so people cant jump out of their windows and impale themselves on picket fences? I could go on but I think I've made my point.
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