17 Year Old Shot Near My House

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I agree with you but this example made me lol:lol:

Yeah, he makes a good point.

Nearly anything can be used to kill someone, and so many of them are extremely easier to obtain than guns. If you're going to ban guns, you'd need to ban so many other things, and in the end, it'd just be ridiculous.
Well, look, as much as I think firearms should be prohibited in the US, agreed, it *is* late for that.

But I do really think it's literally sad (read: upsetting) that kids are shooting other kids in US schools. It's a huge bummer.

It's not a high horse mate, it's just my view. I think guns are fucked, it's just asking for (more) trouble.

From the American posters who hammered my post - what I'd like to know is, how do you, personally, feel having guns is justified? Don't tell me some mishmash about how everyone else has one justifies it - that's the cheap way out, and so is referring to your Constitution.

I want to know, honestly, how it benefits you as an individual. And if you feel it's to protect yourself, then how come so many others of us in the world don't need guns?

Secondly: if you support your "right to bear arms", then how do you suggest control of guns to stop the firearms-attributed horrible loss of life in America which seemingly occurs so often? How do you feel it is best to address this problem?

No troll here, I'd like to genuinely know.

When the U.S. etablished the constitution in the era in which it did hunting was of common practice. In the late 1700's murders of people were quite sporadic and generally wasn't the first utensil of murder. However, the ammendment still holds true today because America habitualy forgets forget that time changes things.
People who want a gun for recreational purposes need to be shot with the same.

Like Nec said, there are plenty of good reasons to own a firearm if they relate to a non-violent hobby of sorts. I'm no big shooter of guns either, but I've went to the firing range a few times & it's fun as hell. I have enough common sense to be able to own a gun if I wanted to & I would like to buy one to go to the range with. It would suck if I couldn't buy one, but of course I would live.

That's good that gun laws in Austrailia help to hold the place together a little bit better, but it's farrrr too late to ban guns in the US. Perhaps they need to tighten up gun laws... But gun laws are already pretty tight in the Country as it is actually. My friend got a felony charge just for having a gun under his passenger seat. He never had anything keeping him from owning the gun & the gun was legal, I guess he just had it within arms reach in his vehicle & it may have been under 4 "movements" away, but I'm not 100% sure. It was confiscated & he did jail time for it. I remember it being a somewhat unfair scenario, but it goes to show you that gun laws are enforced here.
Yeah if you're transporting a gun and you're not putting it in the trunk, I'm pretty sure it has to be in a locked case. But if you're just putting it in the trunk the case doesn't have to have a lock.
Somewhat related to that, I remember years ago I left one of my toy guns in the backseat of the car, if its the one I'm thinking of it was somewhat realistic looking. He got pulled over for honking his horn at somebody during the wee hours of morning when he was driving to work and the cop saw the gun and put his 9mm to my dads head. Could have turned out bad, luckily it didnt.
But as for your friend, I dont really know much about laws concerning guns in a vehicle, but Im guessing they probably considered his gun a concealed weapon or something, and if he didnt have a licence for concealed weapons thats probably the cause of his trouble.
Well, as annoying as I can be, my comments achieved the effect I wanted: you're speaking your minds about this issue, and I wanted to know your thoughts about it :) At work right now, but looking fwd to reading what everyone wrote when I get home...
It's amazing how stupid Australians are. Don't they realize that crossbows are DANGEROUS and should be banned? Must be their terrible culture that allows them.

Boomerangs are the biggest threat to their society tbh, which I know a great deal about even though I don't live there.
It's amazing how stupid Australians are. Don't they realize that crossbows are DANGEROUS and should be banned? Must be their terrible culture that allows them.

Indeed, I amazed at what an awful place that is and how pathetic and stupid they are. I don't think it's their "terrible culture"- because they clearly don't have one. All they do is surf and drink Coopers and torture roo's just for kicks.
There's a part of banning guns that no one seems to be looking at other than me. If guns were banned tomorrow, then what happens to all of the gun manufacturers, as well as all of they jobs the supply people with? It's just like banning tobacco or alcohol. Way too many people are going to get fucked who probably don't use either of those products, and that wouldn't care otherwise if they weren't tied to those companies in some fashion.
That's a good point Richard, but they'd all still have jobs, since guns would still be supplied to the military.
There's a part of banning guns that no one seems to be looking at other than me. If guns were banned tomorrow, then what happens to all of the gun manufacturers, as well as all of they jobs the supply people with? It's just like banning tobacco or alcohol. Way too many people are going to get fucked who probably don't use either of those products, and that wouldn't care otherwise if they weren't tied to those companies in some fashion.

I don't want guns banned because then the government would have ultimate power over Americans. Our entire government is based on violent revolution and we need to keep that ideal, since sooner or later we will need it.

Colt would survive, since they're supplying the military with assault rifles, and Remington would survive too since they're supplying the military with sniper rifles, but I suppose most of the American gun companies would go out of business, since the military is picky about who they adopt guns from. But a lot of guns the military gets or have gotten have been from foreign companies, like Beretta, Fabrique Nationale, and Heckler and Koch. The military still currently uses guns from each of those companies.
Indeed, I amazed at what an awful place that is and how pathetic and stupid they are. I don't think it's their "terrible culture"- because they clearly don't have one. All they do is surf and drink Coopers and torture roo's just for kicks.

My favorite thing in the world to do is torturing roos while I'm surfing drunk. My Dad showed me how to do it when I was 3 years old. My Grandfather was the District Drunken Roo Torturing While Surfing Champion from 1945-1948. It's in my blood. You can't take it away from us now.
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