17 Year Old Shot Near My House

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I think owning guns is one of the things that actually does make us still feel free as our rights are slowly taken away under the banner of "patriotism".
This is only the only post I've seen in this thread that has any merit. Infact, the only post about guns which I've ever seen on this forum that makes any sense. It's literally made me breathe a sigh of relief that someone living in a country filled with gun-toting wankers has a mature outlook out there.

As for the rest of you - what the fuck is so "cool" about guns? Wake and up and shake yourselves out of your bratty bravado. There's NOTHING good about guns. They're fucked and you DON'T need them. You just think you do because you're falling for the scaremongering of the media and the Administration. Supporting guns is only abusing the concept of freedom, not practising it! You're only locking your own cells and throwing away the keys. Guys, in all seriousness, get OUT of this violent propaganda you're living. Seriously (and I really mean this without malice and my usual idiocy), I feel sorry for you guys and the fact is because you're inside the situation, you can't see what the rest of us outside can. Living in a culture of fear is NOT good, it's the opposite of free in every sense.

You're the one that sounds like propaganda here.

Nobody said they needed guns here. Nobody here even said that they really care for guns, We've just been saying that responsible individuals who want a gun for recreational purposes should be able to obtain one.

Oh, and cut back on the sensationalist horseshit. I'll go on once I have more time.
How is the weapon laws in USA exactly? Is there any certification or weapon education needed to get a weapon? And what type of weapons can be seen as outside the limits? You cant just go in to your nearest weapon shop and buy a long ranged sniper rifle i presume? I´m not against civilians possessing weapons,i have two rifles myself,but i wouldn´t be able to just go buy a gun without proof that i´m trained in how to use a gun and in the responsibility that follows.
Actually, hunting accidents are pretty common.

That isn't even remotely close to the point I was trying to make, you tard. The point is that hunting is a completely legitimate reason to own a firearm, and therefore citing hunting accidents are not, in my opinion, is not a valid point when arguing for gun control.

That's a really weak argument tbh.

Yeah, even though I don't necessarily support gun control in the sense that I think a lot of people mean it, I do agree that this a pretty weak point. Sure, you can kill someone with just about anything. The difference is that almost everything else has a purpose outside of causing harm, as is not necessarily the case with guns.
I'd like to know what the gun control policies are like in other countries that people represent here. I know in many places guns are banned, but I don't know much about gun policies elsewhere and would be interested in hearing how the gun control laws are enforced there.
I'd like to know what the gun control policies are like in other countries that people represent here. I know in many places guns are banned, but I don't know much about gun policies elsewhere and would be interested in hearing how the gun control laws are enforced there.

In Sweden gun-possession requires membership in a hunting union or sport shooting,with the exception of a specific reason such as collecting value and so on. To be able to join a union you have to take practical and theoretical tests about weapon safety.
Certificate is attained from police authority.

I would like to hear a little more about the weapon laws in Switzerland,the most weapon frendly country in the world. From what i have heard you can pretty much buy what the hell you want there.
It's trickier in the US because most gun control laws are regulated by the state and not the federal government, so in some states, to obtain a gun is overwhelmingly stringent, whereas in other states, you pretty much just need the money to pay for it.
How is the weapon laws in USA exactly? Is there any certification or weapon education needed to get a weapon? And what type of weapons can be seen as outside the limits? You cant just go in to your nearest weapon shop and buy a long ranged sniper rifle i presume? I´m not against civilians possessing weapons,i have two rifles myself,but i wouldn´t be able to just go buy a gun without proof that i´m trained in how to use a gun and in the responsibility that follows.

It's trickier in the US because most gun control laws are regulated by the state and not the federal government, so in some states, to obtain a gun is overwhelmingly stringent, whereas in other states, you pretty much just need the money to pay for it.
Dodens is right. I know in Massachusetts guns were very strictly controlled and I was unaware of anyone I knew owning a gun. Still didn't stop the amount of shootings in Boston though :erk:
You're the one that sounds like propaganda here.

Nobody said they needed guns here. Nobody here even said that they really care for guns, We've just been saying that responsible individuals who want a gun for recreational purposes should be able to obtain one.

Oh, and cut back on the sensationalist horseshit. I'll go on once I have more time.

Spoken like a true believer of propaganda. :rolleyes:
This is only the only post I've seen in this thread that has any merit. Infact, the only post about guns which I've ever seen on this forum that makes any sense. It's literally made me breathe a sigh of relief that someone living in a country filled with gun-toting wankers has a mature outlook out there.

As for the rest of you - what the fuck is so "cool" about guns? Wake and up and shake yourselves out of your bratty bravado. There's NOTHING good about guns. They're fucked and you DON'T need them. You just think you do because you're falling for the scaremongering of the media and the Administration. Supporting guns is only abusing the concept of freedom, not practising it! You're only locking your own cells and throwing away the keys. Guys, in all seriousness, get OUT of this violent propaganda you're living. Seriously (and I really mean this without malice and my usual idiocy), I feel sorry for you guys and the fact is because you're inside the situation, you can't see what the rest of us outside can. Living in a culture of fear is NOT good, it's the opposite of free in every sense.

shut up you fucking communist hippie.
I don't really understand the need for guns, but if people want to have them fine.

I do think something has to give though.
That's a really weak argument tbh.

The point is to illustrate that there are many other things that can easily take a human life that don't have this paranoidal stigma attached to it. What about swords? I have a katana, and if I so chose, I could go slay someone walking on the sidewalk out in front of my apartment, just as easily as I could shoot them. I've been taught basic sword attacks and defenses, but imagine someone with a few years of formal training?

Target shooting is a hobby just like doing sports, playing video games, etc. I don't know why you people can't accept that. I don't see anyone objecting to people taking martial arts classes, do you?

I'm not arguing for lesser gun control, I'm perfectly fine with the way it is right now. Well actually, I could do with tests to ensure whomever wants to buy a gun is mentally fit to own a gun as well as knowledgable about safely handling one, not just the criminal background checks they do.

I don't know any statistics, but I'm sure the number of responsible gun owners outweighs the number of mentally unstable fools who murder people.

P.S. I have no idea where the author of this page got these satistics, so I don't know if they're credible, but here's something to ponder.

(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000.
Yes, that is 80 million.

(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.000188.
lol not even 2 basis points.

Yeah? And what about you guys?

"Waaah, people don't need guns, they're bullshit, waaah, people shouldn't have them, they need to be illegal, waaah."

I don't see any reasons there, and the retarded ones that have been supplied have been, well, retarded, because the people who say them seem to think they're the only people in the country. You especially didn't get any help from that Flames idiot.
By 'less than 2 basis points' I meant less than 0.02% of people are killed accidentally by guns

I forgot that probably 99% of people here don't know what a basis point is.

It wasn't anywhere near a flame, Val
By 'less than 2 basis points' I meant less than 0.02% of people are killed accidentally by guns

I forgot that probably 99% of people here don't know what a basis point is.

It wasn't anywhere near a flame, Val

I read that as "base" which I took to mean points supporting my view :(

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