17 Year Old Shot Near My House

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Would probably help if you got out into the real world a bit more often instead of this forum I'm so sorry to say.

Ok...since when, besides perhaps the weekend, do I ever spend all my time on this forum? I get out into the real world every damn day, dude. I don't see how this statement can hold any water with anyone here...'cept mabye Nec. It's a rediculously generalized statement to say that someone spends all their fucking time here is rediculous and shallow. If nothing else, I know what the real world is like via my household. I have two parents that are both law enforcement officers, still active, and the shit that they go through at work only makes me want to own a gun to defend myself that much more.

Guns breed anger and violence towards your neighbour. Don't believe me? Turn on your news: look at your country guys, you people are killing yourselves. Doesn't that bug you?

Ok, there are so many things wrong with this statement... The problem with that statement that it's ridiculous. The national media is full of propaganda and lies, and the only stories that are ever reported are the violent ones, the ones meant to keep the society scared and hiding in their homes, buried under the covers and wishing that tomorrow it will all go away. Go watch the movie Bowling for Columbine, that movie would make my point much better than I could ever say it myself.

To quote wikipedia from that very movie, Marilyn Manson has an excellent opinion on this viewpoint (don't start flaming me for this, please, his fanbase is rediculous, but the man is a fucking genius):

Wikipedia said:
Many claim links with violence in television, cinema and computer games; towards the end of the montage, however, a series of statements all claim Marilyn Manson's responsibility. Following this is an interview between Moore and Marilyn Manson. Manson shares his ideas about America's climate with Moore, stating that he believes U.S. society is based on "fear and consumption", citing Colgate commercials that promise "if you have bad breath, [people] are not going to talk to you" and other commercials containing fear-based messages; "if you have pimples, the girls [are] not going to fuck you." When Moore asks Manson what he would say to the killers if he could have spoken to them on the day of the shooting, Manson replies, "I wouldn't say a single word to them; I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did."

What positives does it create as opposed to the horrid stories of wailing siblings and parents at schools losing their children?

See above.

your visibility of the issue is distorted because you have no exposure to an alternative. It is akin to someone being in a bad relationship and then going to a counsellor. The counsellor is outside the situation, they are able to see the situation for what it is, whereas the person effected has a partial visibility and comprehension.

Oh, god, please...seriously, dude, just because we live in a society where guns are allowed and supported, even, doesn't mean that we don't see alternatives and weigh the differences, as well. To think that someone is unintelligent enough to not consider an alternative (though valid with at least half the U.S. population) is foolish. Just because the majority of the populous believes one thing doesn't mean that they haven't weighed the opinions.

So sure, you folks would happily suck cock then lose your fucking redneck gun owning abilties, fine.

Dude...This one sentence has inspired enough rage for me to kill an entire battalion of samurai with ease. I AM NOT A FUCKING REDNECK. To say that ever American, every Texan, even is a redneck is a god damn lie. You need to pull your fucking head out of your ass and look around. Would I be here if I was a redneck? Would I be defending my point of view at all? Would I even consider thinking about the alternatives to gun ownership? NO. I wouldn't. Fuck you. I fucking hate people who stereotype people simply for the fact that they're from a certain part of the world. Like my mother always said, there's a difference between whites and rednecks. There's a difference between African Americans and my pals. Just because I'm from America doesn't mean that I'm a redneck, and it definately doesn't mean that I suck cock. Fuck you.

Consider whether losing guns will fix any of these problems in your society, because frankly, given this thread, it seems like none of you even actually care about your country and it's people.

I care a great deal about this country. I really do. I protest everything that I believe to be wrong, and I raise hell about everything that I see as corrupt in this world. Your entire post has been nothing but nonsense and bullshit, simply due to the fact that you ONLY considered the alternative, you don't think about shit else. Fuck you, fuck your closed minded bullshit, and fuck your views on America. OPEN YOUR GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING EYES. If you'd see things through someone else's perspective, you might be a little more open to the thought that even though you don't like the idea of guns, other people have the right to own them and use them as they see fit, within the means of the law.
Holy shit. I wondered why this thread had so many pages.

Hubster, you are really talking out of your ass here. You have no idea what it is like living in America. You accuse people of believing propaganda and being blinded by the media and whatnot,but holy shit, if anyone is guilty of this, it is you.
Nec, I think you deserve these:



It's called establishing a precedent. Banning firearms doesn't make any more sense than banning anything else that I mentioned.

I think we've had a miscommunication. I'm not necessarily in favour of a complete ban of all guns. Surely better gun control would be a good thing though, yes? Do you support the owning of a gun purely for self-defense?
I think there is a point being missed in this thread. People like Necuratul are not supporting the actual owning of a gun for any particular reason, they are supporting THE RIGHT to own a a gun for whatever reason you want to own one. There is a difference.

Btw, I love that you still have that sig!:p @satanstoenail
I'm pretty sure I addressed that in my other posts.

Fair enough. So why did you assume that I'm in favour of a complete ban?

I think there is a point being missed in this thread. People like Necuratul are not supporting the actual owning of a gun for any particular reason, they are supporting THE RIGHT to own a a gun for whatever reason you want to own one. There is a difference.

I understand that and support it as well, as long as the correct measures are in place to prevent the wrong people owning a gun.

Btw, I love that you still have that sig!:p @satanstoenail

The highpants have become a part of me. :p
@ V.V.V.V.V. - Again, like I said, if I am so off-target with my opinion, legitimately respond to the point. Telling me to fuck off doesn't achieve anything, it only proves you have nothing to answer with.

You don't deserve to be responded to rationally. Perhaps people would be more willing to talk to you if you didn't express yourself in such an arrogrant, bigoted, hateful way. Hopefully I'm not the only one reporting you whenever I you attack us as people.
Actually it was because a line that I'm too lazy to go back and quote in which he said something along the lines of "sure the majority of people use guns responsibly, but why forget about the people who aren'?". Combine that with Hubster's rambling and you've got yourself a misinterpretation.
So sure, you folks would happily suck cock then lose your fucking redneck gun owning abilties, fine. But think about this - instead of hammering on about how much I'm stupid for being against guns and violence (and meanwhile raising points about how your nation is killing itself, which none of YOU even seem to care about!!!), consider whether losing guns will fix any of these problems in your society, because frankly, given this thread, it seems like none of you even actually care about your country and it's people.

:loco: :loco: :loco:

It's hard to care that much about a place when it's so full of moronic imbecils.
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