2/1/2004 - 4/1/2004


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
There shall be no CDs purchased by me during these dates. Please harangue and mock me to no end if I break this little deal I have with myself.

So Erik, how is your bet with Sorath coming? :)
Man, I didn't even think of the European dating system! Probably a good thing I don't default to that, my coworkers would kill me every time I named a file. :loco:

Mostly because I have far too many CDs that I have given very little attention to, but also because I'm trying to slay the (not as mighty as it was 6 months ago) Debt Dragon. YAH!!!
I am to pissing off on the in now!

Because you're right, I hear about 90 new bands a day posting here. :D
Hmm. I suppose my universal bad english foreign guy accent doesn't translate well to the Internet. :loco:
I hardly get the point uh.

@ NAD: 2 days only without CD purchase :lol: , allright, that's not the red_alert yet, you'll for sure survive this harsh period!
Heehee, you're probably right! I'll need to stay away from your website (among others) until April, but expect a lengthy email early that month! :lol:
markgugs said:
Jeez, I've clearly been hanging out with too many Europeans. I thought that read Jan. 2 through Jan. 4, and thus meant nothing since those days passed by 3 weeks ago.
Me too :cool: :loco:
NAD said:
So Erik, how is your bet with Sorath coming? :)
Just fine. You should really make a bet/deal with someone else too, makes the incentive to keep it much larger. Just make a "I'll buy you a case of beer"/"You get to ridicule me/beat me up at your discretion" type of bet with a friend.