Raventale Update

i placed an order for another CD from ars magna and received it in a few days. hails

Cool...thank you for the order! I generally ship within 24 hours (or less) of receiving payment. Unless, of course, you were wrapped up in the sordid Raventale Affair (coming soon to Fox!).

I always wondered wtf was up with people, aminly bm listeners, that say this in emails, etc all the time. Do you fuckers actually talk like that in real life?

I've always wondered about the when/where/why/who regarding the BM Hails. It just seemed to start one day a few years back. Or maybe I had just never really paid attention to that point. Hmm...interesting. Anyway, I've personally never used it. I prefer to send greetings or address them as Lambchop.
J.'s bumper sticker:

"It's a black metal thing...you wouldn't understand."


along with his new avatar:

