Fuck The End Records (rant inside)

I find random metalheads selling their wares on the net to be more reliable than that fucked up label/distro.

Yesterday I received an order from a dude named Steve. Whoever you are, cheers for the package!
Yesterday I received an order from a dude named Steve.

Me too.

I hadn't ordered from them in quite some time but I did this month and both my orders got here in short order with nothing missing. One jewel case was broken but what can you do?

I've resigned myself to accept that jewel cases will be broken, which is why I'm usually well-stocked on empty jewel cases. I hadn't ordered from The End in years, but over the past 6 months I've placed several small orders and had no problem, using the free shipping method. Then again, I'm fairly close to the distro now, so shipping shouldn't take as long. They seem to do A LOT better though if you only order one CD. When I order more than one, it usually takes a week or more, but when I only order one, it's only a couple days at most. One of them I actually got the next day. I was kind of scared.
The trick to ordering from The End Records is to split your orders. They'll usually send the 1-2 CD orders faster, and even if you do three of those orders to the same address, they won't lump the orders together.
nothing is slower than century media. i sent money via paypal on jan 14. they have not even shipped my order.


I have ordered from them twice. Both time took a retarded amount of time. One time in fact I had to send them an angry email about 2 months after I placed the order. It arrived about a week after that.
I got an email saying "please buy from us again we miss you here's a code to get 12% off"

nahhhh that's alright

edit: man I am not fully reading threads today
Yeah, I got 2 of those 12% codes, and I haven't had any problems with TER with my countless orders in the past (albeit some have come quite slow, the old days of fast/cheap shipments are over). Probably going to grab some Austere from them.

In other news, my Paradigms order was placed 33 days ago and I haven't received anything, and my 2nd email inquiry hasn't been responded to. :mad:
I mistakenly hopped on TER website to see if they had Gallowbraid's EP and I was jolted by the utmost visual faggotry which not shockingly comprises the bulk of their label.




TER is headquartered in Williamsburg Brooklyn now ... i think they are signing bands from local pubs.