2 Cheap Monitors or 1 Expensive ?

Good to hear about getting the second speaker, mate. Must've been annoying having the one sitting around there.

I'm still saving up for my pair of Klein & Hummel 0300s... its totally killing me trying to take on enough work to save up those 5 big ones, but hey, all for the love of one's craft...
hey siegfried.. they are amazing speakers, no doubt about it. I've never heard anything so accurate and enjoyable to listen to (even as it totally brutalizes the worst aspects of your mixes). However, I hear tell that the Barefoot MM27s and some other speakers are a step up. What this step up would actually be... I can barely even imagine. Plus the fact that they go for $10,000 down here makes them a little prohibitive...
Just make sure you are aware of the fact that mixing in mono does feel quite different from stereo. But if you get it sounding good there. It will sound great on your other speakers in stereo.

If you mix rock/metal, try the Cardinal Points Mixing approach where you basically pan every mono source either hard L, hard R or Center. Will translate really well in mono and makes mixes really wide and punchy. Doesn't always work, especially if you have a lot of stereo mics, but I use it very often and like it a lot. For more info go here:


Thanks for the reminder about LCR mixing. I've never really paid attention to the method before. There's a thread on The Womb on LCR too.

The rest of this thread can lick my nuts :heh: