2 cops, 1 tazer, 1 dog and 10 bullets to stop this guy

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009

10 shots? 5 of them after the suspect was on the ground and hit 5 times?
might perhaps be overdoing it, huh?
It's pretty easy to see the 5 last rounds were pretty useless. I'm not sure he even took the right decision from the beginning since his partner was still 5 or 6 feet away when he thought the guy was gonna attack, which he didn't have time to. Anyway, shooting 5 rounds instead of 1 or 2, and 5 bonus, just means this man is not fit to be officer.
btw if you look closely, he stands up after the 5 first rounds and is taken down after the 8th round or something (adding some more precise info). It took ma while to get it !
what bothers me the most is the guys filming it and laughing...

My fucking thoughts exactly.


Fucking scum. They sit there laughing and getting all excited because someone just fucking died, then they criticise the police officer for what he did.

Oh, and the remark "He didn't need to shoot him, why didn't he just use a baton or something?" - because he looked like he was about to swing a fucking crowbar at the other officers goddamn head!
It's also quite possible that a man that is unaffected by a Taser to the face (!), is out of his mind on drugs.
Thus (possibly) making the number of shots fired more understandable.
It does still look overkill (literally), but if it was the case that he was on drugs then it probably explains the cop's reaction.

A couple of Royal Marines I've spoken to have told me about such a situation in Sierra Leone....
The dudes would be so lean that they wouldn't react to being shot.
Cops don't load their guns with rubber bullets unless it's a riot control situation.
If less than lethal tactics(tazer) don't eliminate the threat to the public (and in this case another officer) then lethal force is used . These cops could have taken carefully placed shots instead of five shots center mass. Then another 5 while he was down! They will likely be scrutinized by the media and suspended. I don't know details but if that object he had could have caused fatal or serious bodily harm , the police had the right to shoot him. They just shouldn't have took so many shots.