Krank Rev and 6505 roomsound comparison


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
I tried to capture the roomsound of the Rev and 6505 into the Mesa Oversized with my vidcam. Unfortunately the mic in it didn't do brilliantly but it gives some idea of the sound in the room. I know it is not a great representation or comparison of the two amps but I thought that most here have heard both these amps under the mic but possibly not "in the room" so I would post them anyway even with my poor playing (I have a day job, I don't need to be good) :heh:. The Master/Post levels were only just over 1 (out of 10) as anything louder distorted the mic even though it was over 5 meters from the cab and not directly in front. At around 2:31 on the 6505 vid and 2:41 on the Rev vid I let some chords ring out a little, so it's not all just muted stuff.

Anyway they might be rubbish, they might be insightful, who knows. :loco:


sorry, but I don't find Camcorder micing of amps for judging tone very informative.
sorry, but I don't find Camcorder micing of amps for judging tone very informative.

Nor do I really but you can get "some idea" of the room sound.

....Unfortunately the mic in it didn't do brilliantly but it gives some idea of the sound in the room. I know it is not a great representation or comparison of the two amps ....

Cheers for the other feedback guys and yes it was the camcorder mic DevilJaw.
Even through the shitty mic and low volume you can make out how cool these amps sound. Thanks for posting these! :)
I don't understand why so many people hate Krank. That sounded fuckin amazing! I'm actually looking into to both of these heads. This is a tough call! What is your opinion on these bad asses?
The Rev poops all over the 5150 IMHO. Nice!

LMFAO :lol: The only Krank head I can find locally is a Krankenstein at GC but one of the power tubes is blown so that's kind of pointless. The only thing which I feel is a problem is I hear they suck at bedroom volumes but then again I need a practice amp for that shit! hehe
LMFAO :lol: The only Krank head I can find locally is a Krankenstein at GC but one of the power tubes is blown so that's kind of pointless. The only thing which I feel is a problem is I hear they suck at bedroom volumes but then again I need a practice amp for that shit! hehe

if that's the only problem with the Krankenstein, that is nothing. change the tubes and you're golden. yes, the low volume sound isn't as good but we are talking 100 watt territory here. that is the nature of the beast. big amps sound best LOUD! :headbang: