2 IE shows I went to were cancelled


The Secrecies of Horror
Jul 14, 2004
I drove to Des Moines, IA, in April to see Into Eternity because I missed the chance to see them with Amorphis in Omaha. After a 4.5 hour drive, I arrived there only to find out the show was cancelled due to the band being sick. Apparently this was posted somewhere on the website and I just overlooked it.

Fast-forward a few months, I wanted to try and see them again, this time in Omaha. I called the venue the day before the show to make sure everything was cool, and the manager told me he spoke to the promoter that Monday and everything was good to go. So I drove 3.5 hours to Omaha, chilled out for a while, drove to the venue, and it was fucking cancelled again! This time it was because Hate Eternal's bus broke down outside of town. The rest of the bands were in town, but they decided to cancel because they didn't think anyone would show up if the headliner wasn't playing. Well, I was going to.

My boyfriend and I really like IE, and we've now driven hundreds of miles to see them, but we haven't seen them once. It wouldn't have been so bad if we could have just driven back home on the nights of the shows, but we'd already booked hotels. We still really like the band, but we don't think we're going to travel to see them again. We're pretty disappointed.
oh girl that REALLY sucks!!! I'm so sorry for you guys!
Hope you don't blame it on IE though, because they WANTED to play! It's the promotors that cancel the whole shows, same happened with several Canadian dates. I don't understand why they can't let the bands that are there anyway continue under different conditions, like pay them depending on ticket sales/turnout or something. I'm sure most bands would agree to that when they are already at the venue anyway. What risk is there for the promotor, if you already have everything rented and ready to go (or can they cancel all that without losing money in the last minute?).....
Which really sucks. And I'm sure if only I.E. were the ONLY ones playing, us Calgary Metalheads would fill the place.And maybe even consume a beverage or two.

Marlies said:
yes unfortunately!
Hate Eternal cancelled the rest of the Canadian dates, and some promotors decided to cancel the whole show, like in Alberta. See also the thread Tim has posted yesterday or the news on the website.

here's the link to Tim's thread:
