2 questions about "That 178 thing"


New Metal Member
Jul 6, 2006
I have some questions about this piece, if somebody could answer me, i will be happy:

1. 0:49 - In the TAB on official site, there is:


For me, it rather sound like:


Mayby it sound like this becouse of quality, is it mistake in Tab or not?

2. In solo 2:36, It sound like:


not like in Tab:


Mayby again is becouse of quality,or smth...

Ok, thats all. At the end I want to say, that Im from Poland, and I can say Ron surname correctly :lol: . I hope, that Ron in future gonna visit Poland! (That is my dream :goggly: ) Sorry for my grammar.
See ya,
"I can say Ron surname correctly "

I always thought it was 'JARZ-um-bek'

But now I'm thinking it's 'JAR-ZOOM-bek'? ...rolling the r a bit?
So which syllable has the accent (cause it was said slowly throughout)

anyways, the 2nd one -12-19-12 sounds right to me.. I cant tell on the first one.
The accent is on "rzo".

Thanks for answering. BTW, in 2nd its mayby is becouse of aliquotes(did I write it correctly? Sorry if not), becouse 19 on 1st string is an octave(Again dunno how to write it, the english music theory has other names, than polish) for 12 on 2nd and 12 on 1 string is octave(?) for 9 on 3rd. Really sorry for grammar,
Yeah I noticed the octave thing too (yeah, we use 'octaves', too :D ), but I don't know what an 'aliquote' is... but that might just be me, ha.
Thanks for the correction. That would put that section in the key of Ab, not Eb. Just flat all of the Ds. For all of you "mode" guys, that would be Phrygian, not Aeolian. The other section with the 12-19-12 is correct as is.

We pronounce our last name jar-ZAHM-bek over here in San Antonio, although I had a student about a year who pronounced his last name JAR-zum-bek. My dad, who speaks Polish very well, said that the correct pronunciation has the J sounded as a Y, and the Z is silent... yar-OM-bek.

Woah, that phrase is actually in Eb and Ab. Cool!

If you'll notice, in the first few measures of that phrase there are D naturals, then halfway through the lick, it changes to Dbs. That also happens on the very first sixteenths note phrase in "The Mad Data Race". The lick starts out in F (with a Bb), then by the time the lick ends, it has shifted to C (with a B natural). I picked that up from Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. It's a descending piano lick right before the 2nd verse.

"My dad, who speaks Polish very well, said that the correct pronunciation has the J sounded as a Y, and the Z is silent... yar-OM-bek."

Yeah, something like that :) . I rather write it ya-SHOM-bek.

"Woah, that phrase is actually in Eb and Ab. Cool!"

Yeah! Really cool. By the way, thanks for answering Ron, I'm glad I could help.
I'm going to learn whole piece, but solo is really hard to play in time :) . Next piece I'm gonna study is "The Mad Data Race". Hope I can make it technically...

Ive got 1 thing more, but I dont want to make new thread, so I write it down here.

Listen to the "rjsynaptic1" and than listen to the beginning of "Dramatic Chromatic" from "SSoTC". They are nearly the same! :goggly:


PS. I have one more question, but I suppose you answer it, 1000 times, but I will ask again :) ...
What picks do you use? I prefer Jazz III Dunlop. What do You think bout them?
Sorry for dumb questions, I know you are real busy... I just can't make my choice.