Sorry to bother you,fellow guitarists,but...

Sure right, Ive already recorded that stuff, now im looking for a mp3 ripper and ill put it online in a couple of mins, so those who say they can play sth, please record.
I cannot play that well, but ill show how does it looks after almost 6 years of playing guitar
Originally posted by phon1c
2 months, 7 months, haha yeah sure. I keep seeing these kinds of people on the internet saying they can pretty difficult stuff after just a few months, and I kept thinking "damn, why aren't I at their level?". Then one day I heard a couple of soundclips from these kind of guys, and fuck, talk about sloppy. If I can only play a song that sloppily then I don't call myself "able" to play that song.

If you want to prove me wrong, please go ahead and do some recordings. I'd like to hear someone play bodom after 2 months, or the final countdown solo after 7 months.

Hey,I said I've been playing those solos,but I never said I was able to play them fluently :mad:
Right i remember the first time i recorded solos that i thought i could play pretty well ... talking about mess !!! they sounded like shit ... i sugest you all to record your stuff and listen carefully and learn from the mistakes before saying "i can play this and that" ... i honestly say i cant play any cob solo decently ... the ones i find more easy are bed of razors of course (i tried this before but i gave up cause of my 22 fret guitar) and deadnight's warrior (but this one i still suck at it)
disagree vai, if you learn by the best you will be the best

While that is to a certain degree, true, you have to be realistic. CoB after 7 months of playing isnt going to happen, and I dont care who you are. I have a hard time believing he can play most of the solos he said anyways..
MOst ppl say, well I can play whole solo, so they mean that in tempo=50 they can play each note. But that does not mean dynamics, accurate and precision.

As Id mentioned before my firend was so, he told about this bad of razors beggening. And he totally sucked up when he performed that to me. I was shoced, how he could play each all the notes with 2 fingers only, and thayt was so dirty that I couldnt listen to it.

I hope that my recording isnt so fucked up :)
Yep', that's it.
Do you think it's good for a beginner guitarist, to play fast things (like this Kissing The Shadows "solo riff"), even, if he plays it bad ?
That's a question I'm asking myself. About this solo riff, for exemple, I learned it slowly, I can play it at about tempo 80 :lol: , maybe a bit more (Well I think, cuz' I didn't play it since a few days as I broked my E string... :( ), but I also try to play it as fast as possible, which makes it often (always ?) sounds bad, of course...
Do you think practicing something fast, even if I can't really, will increase my playing speed ? Or do you think speed will increase itself automatically with time ?
you need to develop a really competent sense of timing on short notes for a start which is fucking hard,esp. on bodom solos after 7 months.Id reccommend starting on some Kill 'em all metallica solos a lot more.
Originally posted by BodomiC
:) Hell yeah :rock: dude

Did anybody heard my record?? So I maight know what do u think about my picking?

I heard it,hmm,I better say nothing,since I really am a beginner with a big B. :grin:

Ok,some minor faults,don't kill me :(
Can't do better myself.
Thank you very much :D I have that bad luck, that Im not playing with anyone better than me, but that doesnt mean im the masta :rock:
I must find myself a person, that will teach me sth, cuz I suck now.

PLay with the best, watch them and take your own points out of the lessons. This helps a lot...

:mad: Damn I suck
Originally posted by nikon87
I heard it,hmm,I better say nothing,since I really am a beginner with a big B. :grin:

Same here... :rolleyes:
I like the first part of it, it looks like it's me who's playing... :lol:
I just tried again this afternoon (well, since I still don't have a new E string I play it on the 3rd, 4th and 5th string, it's totally fucked up but it doesn't matter, I just see how my fingers can move), and I think I "can" play it at about tempo 100 ! :cool: :lol:

There's two notes in this part that are particularly hard, the two when your picking the 5th string to the sky, then you have to pick the 6th to the ground, and come back to the 5th. I often pick the 5th a double time, but that's coming... I think this is the "solo riff" I played the most since I started guitar, I really like this one.

Mmh... You know, we often say that it's good to laugh at least one time a day, so here's my contribution : way to go...

It's dated from november 2 2002... I hoped it would be older... :cry: I'll post again soon to see the changes, and I hope this time I won't contribue to your daily laugh !
Originally posted by BodomiC
OK here it is:

The Solo

But dont blame me for its shitty wortness. Im a poor guitarist, but btw Im waiting now for recordings from sole ppl else :D

Yeah, the fast part is very nice.

I have a question: how do ya guyz hold the pick?

Personally i hold it with the thumb and pointing finger, under some little angle. But i would like to know some suggestions on how to hold it when you play fast (like in this kissing the shadows lead part)
Only the solo sounds always not as good as solo with the rythm guitar.

Alexi plays every note very precise and this is really hard.

Did ya noticed that Alexi uses the "pinky" finger very rarely?

Could you tell me how to make a good "pull-off" on guitar so it could sound good? Esp. using 1,3 and 4 fingers?
If this can help, or if you can help me ! :lol:
I hold it under some little angle too, is it good ?


Originally posted by Wookiss
Did ya noticed that Alexi uses the "pinky" finger very rarely?

That's what I noticed in the "everytime I die" video. But as we don't see lot of guitar playing in this video, I wasn't sure.

My pinky finger is not really good, not strong, never where I want it to be, so I use it as much as I can...

About pull-off, sorry, just listen to my stuff a few post ahead, and you'll understand I can't help you ! :lol:
(I'm sure my recorder is bad, that's why it sounds so bad... or the guitar... Or maybe the planets alignment... Or whatever...)