Violator of Sheep
Yeah, shit, I never used to use my pinky until about a couple years ago. If you don't use your pinky, you really should start.
Originally posted by Stygian Apothegm
speed will come with time. if you play it fast but fuck it up all the time that will get you know where. just try playing it as accurately as possible, your fingers will automatically know where to go next and eventually you'll be able to go faster and faster. you can't rush through this. ive been practicing one part in kissing the shadows for a long time now.. the part where it's sextuplet 3 string sweeps. it's been a while now and i can say that i can play it better than before. with more practice i know i can eventually get up to alexi's speed.
Originally posted by Wookiss
Here are my recordings...
Not to good quality but something at least (i don't have too much web space)
Originally posted by Final_Vision
@wookiss you are my godpretty cool man....liked Aces High!