Every....time....I Die!


Jul 27, 2004

How do I finger this?
I would say:

   3  2 1  4  1  2  3  3  1  4  1  3  3   2  1  4  1  2  3  3  1  4  1  3

1: index
2: middle
3: ring
4: pinky
Also, is every note picked or do I


Alsd do I pick the first note of each arpeggio upwards or downwards, surely if it's a complete sweep it'd be upwards?
I try to always pick every note, but it's just what suits you best.
With 3-string sweeps I only use the pull-off, not the hammer on, i think it gives a clearer sound. Picking every note in a sweep never seems to work for me.
i play that part like this..(less moving your hand around) you just need to change it for keyboard and it sounds about the same as the album

hard moving your ring and pinky fingers though so close together, takes getting used to
I prefer thick picks myself.

Don't work on speed; work on accuracy, timing and smoothness. Those are most likely the reason you aren't very fast.

Don't expect it all to come in one days practice. It took me a few years to become mildly proficient with sweeping. And it's still a pain in the ass much of the time. I don't practice much anymore though.

Have fun!
I just started working on sweeps 2 days ago and I am getting proficient pretty quick, I can't go faster than about 75bpm (seeing as I didn't know how to do one at all) and make them sound right. I figure by the end of the year I will be able to pound them out pretty easily.

*edit - I prefer thick picks too just because they are more stable and the thin ones don't last more than a few days with me. Sweeping is one of the hardest things I've worked on so far and I know it's going to take lots of practice.

I've been practicing with this one...


Give or take a few note, I don't have guitar at work so I can' recall everything exactly. It might be totally wrong for all I know.
AlexiFollower said:
i play that part like this..(less moving your hand around) you just need to change it for keyboard and it sounds about the same as the album

hard moving your ring and pinky fingers though so close together, takes getting used to

I don't really see what you mean with your pinky and ring finger...I just play the 14-15-14-17 sweep you suggested like index-middle-index-pinky. Oh and I play this, i think it sounds more natural (haven't really listened to the song though, just in general sweeping):
