2 songs, real instruments, outboards, ssl comp ect...

nice lead sounds!!!
the rythm guitar maybe is overdosed for my taste ^^
the mix sounds plenty of energy too
good job
Hurm, the snare sounded over compressed, maybe you can try, 1 snappy snare, the other one, squashed hard on different bus, and blend them together in the mix. By the way, very nice Lead sound, really!
I'm really into the lead tone you got, man. Would you mind sharing some info. on that? Good work, by the way.


What exceptionally expressive lead guitar on both tracks. The "Lost at Sea" track kept making me think of Steve Vai's "For the Love of God" but, I honestly like this even more.

This is what guitar work should be and I have been absolutely destroyed by this masterful display.

What can I say about the mix? Well, you could probably use a snare that isn't just a thud. And just about everything in the mix seems like it's pushed below the lead guitar. Kind of like how a sports team might have one star player (though everyone on the team is good) whom shines above the rest and the team wins some championship but everyone knows that it was just because this one guy killed it on the field/court/ice at every game.

But honestly, I almost don't even care that I'm just listening to epic lead guitar, because it's just so great.

What was used for lead guitar please?

Thanks for posting this. Also if you could get the guitar pro file for Lost at Sea I would be indebted to you. It would probably take me two years to even come close to playing it as nicely as the original but, it would be worth it. I loved this song.

Thanks again