Anyone who considers Australia to be Third World clearly has no idea about the country, which has one of the best economies in the world. Not to mention beaches, clean environments, and hottest women (apart from maybe Italy and Poland!!)
timmyc said:
Anyone who considers Australia to be Third World clearly has no idea about the country, which has one of the best economies in the world. Not to mention beaches, clean environments, and hottest women (apart from maybe Italy and Poland!!)
I like to learn about other countries. Is Kiss' Alive IV DVD audience representative of the Australian female population?
timmyc said:
Anyone who considers Australia to be Third World clearly has no idea about the country, which has one of the best economies in the world. Not to mention beaches, clean environments, and hottest women (apart from maybe Italy and Poland!!)

The hottest women are in Canada my friend... French canadien's girl are the hottest!!! :loco:
Johnny Ace said:
WTF.... how did a two and a half year old thread become an internet slugfest???? Why hate on the Aussie's??? Third World???? If anybody here saw "Young Einstein," they'd realize that Albert Einstein was really an Austrailian who used atomic power to put suds in beer and who invented rock and roll. Now tell me how you can do that in the third world!!!!

Austrailia also gave us AC/DC, Mel Gibson, and the chick from The Ring. Oz is solid in my book.
Well said, Oz rocks....Although AC/DC (well Angus and Malcolm) are Scottish!
johnnieCzech said:
Looks like you never been to Czech :lol:
Well said Johnnie, i was walking round Prague with a semi for three days during the summer. Scottish girls are getting to fat nowadays (apart from the Future Mrs Jockthrax), thay are all fake tans fake and fat bellies that stick out further than their fake tits...
Actually, I have been to Prague, and yeah, ok, I admit there are plenty of beautiful women there too.

But it was the ones in Krakow and Rome that had me the most excited!!!!!!!