2010 gw buyers guide out now on stands!

Who picked the winner btw? Readers, editor, publisher? And the winner is not 'ugly' let's be real here (unless u all look like brad pitt which I doubt). However, Courtney should've won cuz she's the one who smokes at guitar and it's a GUITAR MAGAZINE! lol

btw: why does court's profile only have 3 comments but Amanda's has 4 PAGES. What is GW going to assume when they see that??!!!


Who picked the winner btw? Readers, editor, publisher? And the winner is not 'ugly' let's be real here (unless u all look like brad pitt which I doubt). However, Courtney should've won cuz she's the one who smokes at guitar and it's a GUITAR MAGAZINE! lol

btw: why does court's profile only have 3 comments but Amanda's has 4 PAGES. What is GW going to assume when they see that??!!!



I disagree, the winner is not attractive to me at all. I'm no brad pit, but I would walk past her in the street without a second glance, I'd walk past her in a bar because I would prefer a beer.

and she's got her navel pierced ewwwwwwwwwwww :Puke:

EDIT: it still wont let me create an account on GW.com
Hey Time. Cort is the hot sassy girl that is real that really knows how to play. The winner had to resort to doing less than moral things to win.
Sorry I was standing up for Cort. I really have nothing for the other girl. If I speak improply I am sorry but She is an Irom Maiden and that is where my Alegience lies.
Everyone has an oppinion and everyone has a right to express an oppinion.
Yes it could be a problem if an oppinion offends someone else.

I stated what I beleive, yes it was un-kind of me to use those names in one of my posts, but they are there for comedy value. What difference does it make to her when one guy from an island thousands of miles away thinks she is unattractive.....she still won.

I guess it could show badly on cort and the maidens, but then they cannot control what people think and anyone with a mature attitude would see and understand that.


this kind of thing happens on forums a lot, and it gets even more awkward when a forum is accessed by people from different countries.

In the US I believe you guys are protected by the first amendment.....freedom of speech, however in the UK we dont have a consitution, so we have no automatic right to freedom of speech. Instead we get this human right via the European human rights legislation, of which the UK is a fully paid up member. You could say our government only just tolerates Freedom of speech.

Any way peace to all.......and I still hate pierced navals. :)
I try to mind my tongue on these issue on the board of an all-female band. I know full well the sexism they face and battle for credibility. But seriously, that winner was not attractive in any way.

And the fact that they would have such a contest shows how female guitarists are behind the 8 ball to begin with.
I try to mind my tongue on these issue on the board of an all-female band. I know full well the sexism they face and battle for credibility. But seriously, that winner was not attractive in any way.

And the fact that they would have such a contest shows how female guitarists are behind the 8 ball to begin with.

That is one reason I LOVED Phantom Blue! They ruled the Hollywood/LA club scene and removed the "female" from every "best of" list. There was no doubt they were the best damned musicians across the board of any band playing at that time. Their only equals were Racer X in my opinion and I think Linda and Nicole were better at their crafts than the guys in Racer X :):kickass: Yeah, PB were hot looking as well, but a few bands that had dudes trying to look like chicks!:Puke::lol:
In the US I believe you guys are protected by the first amendment.....freedom of speech, however in the UK we dont have a consitution, so we have no automatic right to freedom of speech. Instead we get this human right via the European human rights legislation, of which the UK is a fully paid up member. You could say our government only just tolerates Freedom of speech.

Time, the first amendment says Congress shall make no law.... It has no bearing here. This is a private board managed by the band. They have a right to set an expectationof decorum and behavior. Every board owner does. I've seen some real atrocious abuses of board owner's rights but I have to remind myself, if I don't like it, I don't have to hang out on that board.

I say this because it's a nitpick of mine. People have this twisted notion that the first amendment means you can say anything, anywhere. You don't. You don't have a right to be heard in a place like this. The Maidens can set a level of expectation here and if anyone, including me, doesn't like it, there's the door.
Hey I wasnt complaining, just muttering on about things.

I stand by what I said, I hope you understand that I dont mix my words, sometimes a spanner has to be called a spanner. ( I dont user the word spade in case it offends, you wouldnt believe the trouble I have had for people trying to put words into my mouth)

And you are right, The band have the right to censor anyone that says things deemed unacceptable. But if they violated someones rights by doing that, then they would be in violation of the law, and this is where you sometimes get problems. Especially when people go looking for trouble. The law of the land where the server resides is utmost, nothing can interfere with the law or the application of that law.

So whereas you guys in the US can shout holler and fly your flag (being patriotic) I can find myself in trouble for flying the flag of St George, if it offends someone. If they make the complaint and claim offense I am in violation of racial equality laws.

This is the kind of thing I was trying to get at, while the moderators on here can and do censor people, it has to be decided what the overall tone of a post is, not just the sum total of a few words.

I just hope people did realise that my post was made in humour rather than with any malicious intent......I'd have to be pretty sad and lonely to think what I say on a forum is tantamount to saying it to their face.


Stay cool people
I was just checking out the Model Search "outtake" photos on the Guitar World website and I noticed that the winner has very long, manicured fingernails. Um, sorry, babe, I know you ain't playing no guitar with nails like that. Yet another reason why Court shoulda WON!:bah: