I'll join the chorus. If there's one thing that could possibly revive this forum, it's more in-depth discussion on DT songs/albums.

You know, instead of all the other stuff that we once discussed here and which has now moved on to social media.

I know this forum is kind of dead, but is there any interest in another write-up for this album? I don't think I'd do one in the same style as WAtV, since that was huge, took a ton of effort, and wasn't really very widely read. Maybe a more general overview of each song with a handful of "look here" notes on each song? Is there any point to this?

It wasn't widely read, but it was read by -the band-, and those who read it... read it very carefully. So yes, please. =)
I guess it's obvious that with the impending release of the new album (two days before my b-day :D ) the forum would become slightly more active, but I do wonder how long it'll last. It's more of a platform issue to be honest, the lack of a "like" button makes it quite dated, I guess. But, back to Construct.
I guess it's obvious that with the impending release of the new album (two days before my b-day :D ) the forum would become slightly more active, but I do wonder how long it'll last. It's more of a platform issue to be honest, the lack of a "like" button makes it quite dated, I guess. But, back to Construct.

Speaking of which, Stizzle McNizzle should consider re-posting that somewhere highly visible in anticipation of a second such effort on his part. ^_^
I think he meant that I should repost the original one somewhere. Thing is, I have no idea where to put it. This is why I was kind of iffy about writing another one; there's not a huge market for this sort of content.
I think he meant that I should repost the original one somewhere. Thing is, I have no idea where to put it. This is why I was kind of iffy about writing another one; there's not a huge market for this sort of content.

Maybe it was more a question of where it was published, rather than the interest in the piece itself. Only way you can find out is to condense the whole thing into a single Twitter tweet.

It would work wonders in the booklet. As someone else once said, DT should send you advance copies of all albums from now on, stizzle; I say they should then put your analyses in the booklets (or in booklets in special editions, or something).
Holy crap Magrathean, I haven't seen you on this board in ages. I was hoping you'd show up so that we could invite you to your awesome new DT group on Facebook. If you're interested in joining, you can PM me or Defiance your FB details and we can get you hooked up. If you're into FB, that is. Your participation was much appreciated during the last round of album discussion.

I don't know how useful the content would be in the booklet; on one hand, it's super expansive. Way bigger than what would go in a CD booklet. Additionally, considering the time-table on which these things are pressed, it would be basically impossible to hear all of that material and write anything in time to get the disks and booklets together simultaneously to be released. And that's assuming you get an advance copy.

As for an advance copy, as much as I'd like one I doubt I'd get it. Album leaks really suck, and bands rightly do a lot to protect themselves. The journalists and reviews respect the necessity of keeping the album under lock and key because they get blackballed by labels if they're the ones that leak it. While I would personally have no motivation to leak anything, I don't exactly have a career in music journalism to put up as stakes. As it stands, I'll probably just preorder the deluxe and LP editions of the album, then jump on a leak if it happens to get a headstart. It's going to take months anyway and its not like I'd have the whole thing done in time for release anyway.
I don't think it's worth the printing space to get this in the booklet because of all the reasons stizzle mentioned. But I'd like to add that if the band disseminates it officially, even as something on their facebook, it'll get a lot of eyes on it.

When you get around to typing it up, you should consider putting it up as an FAQ-type thing. Kinda like what Larry Coon does for his NBA salary cap FAQ (not that anyone will get the reference).
Yes, the booklets are already printed as far as I know - and the added printing costs of 16/20/24 additional pages would have made a tough sell to the record label. But we'd be happy to share a link on our FB page once it's done.
Century Media just uploaded a trailer.
The ending sample does indeed please my ears a lot.

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Yes, all samples are awesome. I'm so excited for this album! I can't wait to hear a whole song as a single.

(It's funny Krofius, I remember seing you around on the IF forum while we were waiting for SOAPF, then I saw you on the COB forum for Halo of Blood and now there you are on DT's last album topic. You sir have great tastes in music :lol:)

:) Of course I do. But IF board is COMPLETELY dead, but it was like that before SOAPF was getting closer and then it rose from the grave and had a lot of activity. DT board is also kinda dead most of the time. CoB forum always has a lot of activity and posts though. It truly is a great year for melodeath, and it started out REALLY good with Soilwork & Hypocrisy, and now we got Kalmah, DT, Amon Amarth & CoB coming up in the coming 2-3 months, and I've got a feeling this year that the releases of these bands is going to be surprisingly awesome.
Sadly, forums as a mode of communication are going away. They're still really useful for some things, but sadly they've faded against the growing tide of modern social media. Also, in the case of the IF forum on Ultimate Metal, I'm pretty sure that's an unofficial forum, since the official IF forum here got shut down because everyone was trashing new IF all the time. The official one, where ever it is, is probably a lot busier.

Everything about this album is going to be awesome. The music already sounds sick, and the artwork is some of the best yet. With a mere two months to release, a song or two have to be on the horizon in the next few weeks.

USA gets bonus tracks plus a tour in Sept.

track list ...
01. For Broken Words
02. The Science Of Noise
03. Uniformity
04. The Silence In Between
05. Apathetic
06. What Only You Know
07. Endtime Hearts
08. State Of Trust
09. Weight Of The End
10. None Becoming
11. Immemorial (U.S. bonus track)
12. Photon Dreams (U.S. bonus track)
The DT’s logo…? Is it the new logo?


Only recognized the symbol that appears in Haven album.
Any related to the Haven?

No more

-many question in my head right now……-
Official details with be forthcoming shortly, but as of right now it sounds like the 12 songs you've listed are going to be available in the deluxe editions, and that the Japanese copy will also get those two songs plus the Zero Distance EP tracks. Other than that, there is one song outstanding (name and release details unknown to me). So, it looks like 13 overall, with nothing truly exclusive to Japan this time around. Which is good because, while I understand the reasons for it, the bizarre mechanics of international releases make very little sense in the modern age.