I know this forum is kind of dead, but is there any interest in another write-up for this album? I don't think I'd do one in the same style as WAtV, since that was huge, took a ton of effort, and wasn't really very widely read. Maybe a more general overview of each song with a handful of "look here" notes on each song? Is there any point to this?
I guess it's obvious that with the impending release of the new album (two days before my b-day ) the forum would become slightly more active, but I do wonder how long it'll last. It's more of a platform issue to be honest, the lack of a "like" button makes it quite dated, I guess. But, back to Construct.
Speaking of which, Stizzle McNizzle should consider re-posting that somewhere highly visible in anticipation of a second such effort on his part. ^_^
I think he meant that I should repost the original one somewhere. Thing is, I have no idea where to put it. This is why I was kind of iffy about writing another one; there's not a huge market for this sort of content.
Yes, all samples are awesome. I'm so excited for this album! I can't wait to hear a whole song as a single.
(It's funny Krofius, I remember seing you around on the IF forum while we were waiting for SOAPF, then I saw you on the COB forum for Halo of Blood and now there you are on DT's last album topic. You sir have great tastes in music )
Just out of curiosity : I never understood why releases vary from one country to another. You say you understand the reasons for it, would you mind explaining it to us?