New DARK TRANQUILLITY Will Be Fast And Sound Like The Band's Old Material


New Metal Member
Apr 10, 2010
next year in march/ april....

It seems like a lot of Dark Tranquillity fans were split over how they felt about the group's 2013 record Construct. It was a little bit slower, there were a few ballad-type songs and overall it just felt like it was different than what the band was going for in say, the mid-2000's. Personally, I liked it because I thought the change was fitting.

However, according to drummer Anders Jivarp we shouldn't be getting used to that kind of sound. In an interview with That Drummer Guy (below), Jivarp says the new stuff the band is writing is much faster and sounds like the group's old stuff!

"I've been writing, like, 95 percent of it. It's very guitar oriented. It's very… I'm surprised, actually, how a drummer and a keyboard player can create so many guitar riffs. 'Cause 'Construct' was a little bit different; it was more… [It didn't have] too many guitar riffs necessarily. But I would say it's gonna surprise a lot of listeners. Maybe they will say, 'Oh, [it sounds like] old Dark Tranquillity,' with so much guitar riffs and stuff. It's a little bit towards that direction, I dare to say, even if it's not… I played some of the songs for Niklas [Sundin], our guitar player, and he was, like, 'Woah! Fuck! What's this?' [Laughs] So… We'll see. No ballads so far. I'm very happy with it … This is what I've got. All this fast stuff. So… Maybe the album after that will be the slow one. We'll see."

Jivarp says the group will be hitting the studio in October or November to knock out the new stuff, so I guess we'll have to wait about an entire year to hear new old Dark Tranquillity. Damn!
I wonder does Anders J or Martin B play guitar at all, since Mr Jivarp seems to be surprised that they came up with so much riffin. He says he played the songs to Niklas... but from a tape or something?

Damage Done and Character are my DT favourites so... much more of that style please =)
I'm cautiously optimistic. I just couldn't stomach the last two albums and as much as I love The Gallery and The Mind's I, I'd hate to think that Dark Tranquillity has gotten to the point where everything they produce from now on gets categorized as "like old DT" or "like new DT". Also, I'm curious about Darth Jester's comment in this thread:

Damage Done and Character are my DT favourites so... much more of that style please =)

So if Damage Done and Character are "old DT" to you, what does that make The Gallery and The Mind's I (which are what I personally view as "old DT")?
So if Damage Done and Character are "old DT" to you, what does that make The Gallery and The Mind's I (which are what I personally view as "old DT")?

I don't view those albums as "old" material, just saying that I'd like to hear more of that awesomeness!
Construct has been my favourite of the "new" albums (aka everything released after Damage Done), but I definitely don't want them to just release "another Construct". Variety is the spice of life or w/e.