I am excited as well and I have seen them already. They have a new singer from when we saw them so it should be cool. Plus I was super tired last time and now I will be able to enjoy it more.
You know I am just ribbin'!!!

Oh really? I am ecstatic about it actually.

I know. Just saying this time it's not something I'm super stoked about. I like their initial EP but haven't listened to anything else. Maybe I will before next year, who knows. That said, it's great for everyone else though since people have been dying to see them for years now.
I've been listening to Warlord since I was a member of emusic, back when you could join for $10 and download as much music as you want (so that would make it 10-15 years ago).
This isn't bragging, but I've been a fan since 1983. It's hard to believe they never played back then but that's fact. And too bad.
Of all the bands who've played Ragnarokkr so far the one I've been listening to the longest would have to be Omen. I had heard some stuff from Escape To Nowhere which didn't impress me, but then I bought the Best Of Metal Blade compilation around 1990 and "Death Rider" and "Ruby Eyes" were 2 of my favorite tracks on there. Unfortunately, I had the tape version which doesn't include Warlord (or Attacker) so it would be 10 more years before I discovered them.
I have to agree.....they haven't done anything worthwhile since he sang for them. The attempt was there but it was just OK at best.

Get down and give me 20!!!!!!!!!!

While vocally he did a good job, and while I hate to say that image matters, but visually he was just WAY off.

I believe even Kenny Powell says that was one of the biggest mistakes in the history of the band.
Vocally it wasn't a bad performance, not like Escape to NOwhere. Lyrically is a different story. That may be Watters' fault. I've not checked writing credits. But Kraft Dinner? Just NO.