2016 Fest Recap - Cheers and Jeers


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
This was yet another phenomenal year for the fest.
So much can be said, but for ease of reading, I will use the previous CHEERS / JEERS format:

- Timing / Schedule Everything seemed to keep on schedule

- The people - Was so great meeting social media friends from all over the globe. Too many to mention, but great to see friends both old and new. Furthermore, for the most part, everyone seemed to be in high spirits all weekend. Only a couple of people related issues which I will address in the JEERS section

- Merchandise / Vendor layout - Everything was easy to access this year, and not too much overcrowding like in years past.

- Raffles - Seemed a lot more organized than in years passed (or is it "past"??, I am sure Simon will correct me!)

- The band members - Granted I didn't have any exposure to any of the "behind the scenes" stuff, as guys like Bob and Mike obviously had, but all the band members seemed really cool. I didn't notice any huge egos and all seemed genuinely excited to be there. They mostly seemed very appreciative of the fest and fans. It was cool to see band members from the side stage bands all the way up through the headliners watching the other bands throughout the weekend

- The performances - Everyone will have their own opinions and that is great. For the performances I saw, the main highlights were War Cry, Jag Panzer, Impaler, Lethal, Leather, Medieval Steel, and Tygers. More points on performances to come in jeers.

- MOST EPIC MOMENT - Medieval Steel performing Medieval Steel. I think that might go down as the most epic moment in festival history. At least for me.

- Number of bands / ending time. Though there was definitely a LOT of quality on the main stage this year, I felt there were almost too many bands. Its a long weekend, and ending at 1:30AM is a bit much. Maybe that's just a personal feeling as I am getting old and don't usually have my Friday's and Saturdays free during the day. Might be nice to have only 6 or 7 on the mainstage and have it end more like 12:30. Not a major jeer, and might just be more personal.

- Farting / Body Odor - Not sure what the hell was going on, but there was some skank ass smelling people this year. On Saturday night, someone had serious gas issues. It was extremely toxic in the main entrance hallway, but it lingered into the Rock Room. I can't be the only one who experienced it.

- Fans who had to RAGE - Not sure about you guys, but I felt this year moreso than ever there was a large number of fans who had to rage harder than usual. This resulted in a lot of unnecessary pushing and shoving that impacted the enjoyment of certain bands. I noticed this mostly during Medieval Steel and Tygers. Come on. I would expect this during Nuclear Assualt, but just seemed annoying. If you don't agree, that is fine. Just chalk it up to my old and tired ass!!!!

- Bands playing too many new songs - Though I enjoyed both bands, this Jeer is directed at both Spellcaster and Medieval Steel. I feel in a festival setting, you are promoting your band harder than ever to fans who have never seen you. You should be playing mostly songs that those who do know you will go nuts over. Nothing kills a set more than when a band in a fest setting says the dreaded "we are gonna play a few from our upcoming album" I know bands are excited to play new material and its great to be confident in your new material. Play the stuff that the crowd will go nuts for and that will bring folks back to your next show. Playing one unknown song is certainly acceptable, but 2 or 3 or more is overkill.

- PERSONAL JEER - Not arriving until after 8 on Friday and missing Damien Thorne and GateKeeper. Heard GK killed it, so hopefully they will be back someday.
You are not the person (s) in question here.

And overall its not THAT big of a deal, but just something I had to put in the JEERS section.

Furthermore- how do I get my hands on the CD GateKeeper was selling?
Unfortunately I missed that opportunity!
I pretty much agree with all your cheers and jeers. In particular I had noticed that everything seemed remarkably on time up until Medieval Steel who had to cut out 2 songs. Not really complaining though as one of them was yet another brand new song!

I also encountered that horrific smell twice up near the stage. WTF was that?!?!
Just to add to Jason's comment with cheers:

-The people (friends from previous shows and social media) were fantastic. This was the most fun I've had at a concert. Always enjoy seeing familiar faces. I do regret not having much of a chance to chat with Jason during the weekend though, especially after his grand entrance behind me and Lee on Friday, lol.

-The band members. I had a fantastic chat with Mark Briody of Jag Panzer. Literally the best time I've had talking to somebody from a band since some of the guys from Argus the year they played.

-The performances. Jag Panzer has been on my bucketlist since 2007 and it was great to finally see them live -- and they did not disappoint. And they played one of my favorite songs ever, The Mission (1943)! Also, I really liked Chalice, even though I didn't really know them going into the fest. Really loved their set and the CD I picked up. Lethal was good with the unexpected 3 guitar attack. And it was nice to see Ashbury finally since I wasn't at the previous Ragnarokkr they played.

And to add to the jeers (and none of these were against the fest itself, just some of the people at the show, which is typical):

-I only noticed the smell really bad by the doors/bathroom, it was like somebody threw away a baby diaper in the trash can. Pretty rank.

-People exploding beers/throwing drinks. Didn't stay for Tigers, but during Jag Panzer, at least 3 beers were exploded near to me and Simon when we were up near the front. This was an aside from the mosh pitting going on, which was slightly more annoying and pushy than usual too. I got totally nailed by a beer explosion just over my left shoulder, but fortunately it missed my face.
Chalice were my favorite second stage band this year, and this might have been the best second stage lineup of all 4 years I've been.
I feel bad adding another jeer, since overall this was an amazing festival. However, the music Reggie's played between bands was awful. Just turn it off and let people talk.
I know tie-die shirt dude Zach. He's nice enough but him and Alex can get rowdy as fuck out there.

I had a pretty amazing weekend. My only jeer is having $3 to my name after blowing so much money on shirts and beers. Oh, and tequila shots too. Now I've got the Ragnaraids or something.

Honestly, for me the best times I have are when socializing with other people in between bands.