24 - who's into it?


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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So like, I love this show 24....
It started so good, and now its a soap opera!
woohoo! another Tv show that turned into a great mish-mush of emotions!

few highlights from last night's episode:

1. - Fat Tony, he is such a great actor, I'll bet he deliberatly put on 10
kilograms (metric yes!!!) to play the part of an unemployed bum

2 - The return of Michelle - such a huge suprise!!!!!

3 - Jack becoming best pals with his girlfriends husband

4 - Best of all, corporate executives at an engineering company who cary 9mm
automatic pistols around at work!!!!


and lets not forget the biggest moment of all:
after the 4th episode and the amazing rescue of the Secretary Of Defence:
(4 hours only) he had a 3 day beard!!!!!
hooray for TV land!

and the best quote of all:

"Thats Ok, I don't need back up" - Jack
This show keeps getting better and better!
(or dumber and dumber)

1 - Audrey is now back in love with Paul just because he got tortured by
mean Jack. Using the same logic, I Think all guys should wish they could be tortured by their Ex Girlfriend’s current bfs.

2 - A private corporation has

a - Armed commandos on standby 24 hours a day
b - Access to a full up military helicopter
c - A faster response time than the government
d - I guess the commandos weren't so well trained, because they were all
killed by Jack, two gun store owners, and Paul who had no training and
broken fingers. Also, Jack's crew just had rifles and shotguns compared to
the military weapons of the bad guys
e - In an effort to reach out to the Arab community, 24 brought in two
"good" patriotic American Arabs. The problem was that one of them looked
Latino and his 'brother' looked like an American Indian.


.Stupid girl making demands from the new boss during a crisis

...Women in general being portrayed as plotting scheming backstabbers,
while the guys at CTU are usually straightforward and honest (Tony, Curtis,

..Black soldier guy looks like he had mixed feelings and might have helped
Jack given the chance, but Jack cut his throat with a knife from the gun

Habib Marwan's alias - Harris Barnes - great! :dopey:

President Keeler - hasn't he been on that airplane since epsisode #1? Thats
about 13 hours where are they going?